You play with your gang of friends. Find there an important choice of board games, figurines, etc
For years, people from all walks of life have become the employers or benefactors of this kind and charitable man. He has had several trades, including: cook, healer, tutor or masseur. Often, after its passage, exploiting proprietors go bankrupt, corrupt...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50
At the age of 14, a witch cast a spell on Mizaru and Mizaru lost his sight. His story could have ended there. However, he refused to yield to bitterness and channeled his anger to learn to overcome his infirmity. He stared at his senses until he was...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €13.50
The members of the Ika clan are more than just fishermen and merchants. Princess Moon herself entrusted them with the mission of protecting Kagejima's coasts. Mizuchi is an implacable leader, brilliant strategist and fierce warrior. To contemplate her...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €16.15
Mochizuki does not like having recourse to the poison, too subtle, or tanto, too discreet, which make the reputation of the school where she learned her art. Instead, she prefers the firepower of a pair of pistols. Naturally gifted for quick and quiet...
Languages : French
Amount : from €16.15
Momotaro's life is as strange as Kagejima Island. He was found by an old man, when he was just an infant, in a giant peach floating on the river. Throughout his childhood, he heard about the savagery of the Ijin clan and his oni allies, and spent his...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €13.50
For years, Musashi traveled Kagejima to study, exchange and fight with the teachers of all the schools he could find. After a few years, however, he realized that it did not matter to him to master the art of the sword but rather to seek control of himself....
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €16.15
As a mortal, Onibaba used to watch men fight. In these traps, she attracted the stragglers, and finished off the survivors to sell whatever she could find on their corpses. One night, she removed a face mask from a dark, terrible samurai, and placed...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50
The dead do not always rest in peace. Onryo died with a heart filled with fear, rage and immense suffering. From now on, she torments travelers who come within reach or those who remind her of her murderers. They are numerous to have followed its fatal...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50
Raised since birth in accordance with the ancient and esoteric mysteries of her family, the Princess Moon is sometimes bored to attend the spectacle of the Moonlight Tournament. She wants to be able to go down to the arena to measure her terrible and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.58 to €13.50
As a child, Ryu demonstrated a certain talent and craze for alchemy, and he was able to undertake an apprenticeship with his father. However, during a fatal journey through the mountains, they were ambushed by a group of lawless bandits. Ryu, the only...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €16.25
Always on the lookout for the slightest weakness, the spies of the Sun Empire can be anywhere. Discovering one and politely putting it on the way has become a game for most clans. However, many Sun Court warriors have appeared lately, and offer their...
Languages : French
Amount : from €16.15 to €29.17
The captain of the Tako-Tako merchant ship is famous for both his escapades and his goods. Shojo loves to party and she organizes one (sometimes several) every time she drops anchor in a harbor. It is based on its enemies like a typhoon in fury ... as...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.54 to €16.15