You play with your kids and they like to play board games, find the latest news specially designed for them.
Hey-ho, would you like to catch Captain Golden Tooth and his band of pirates? Take a good look, they're all represented on the BOLOs. But to find as many of them as possible, you have to observe and count very quickly! With a variation for experienced...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €25.00
Put the seven dwarves in the middle of the table and prepare the die. Take turns playing. Whoever has seen a garden gnome last has the right to start. If you can't agree, the youngest player starts by rolling the dice. The game is over when there are...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Release Date : January 2007
Place the ten cows in the middle of the table, mixing them together and leaving a space of approx. 15 cm between them. Prepare the two dice. The game is over when one player has collected three cows. He wins the game and his victory is celebrated with...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Release Date : November 2006
Small and big fishermen gather around the pond for the annual fishing competition. Pierrot the fisherman also came to throw his fishing rod into the water. Suddenly, a square of green fish appeared and said to him: "Fishing me! ». Ebahi, Pierrot rubs...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €36.95
The little sheep graze in the meadow across the river: Mimi and her brothers and sisters can no longer go back to the stable because a terrible storm has devastated the bridge. Courageous, the players tried to repair the bridge to get the sheep and bring...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €15.00
Form a horse racing circuit with the sticks. The circuit consists of nine orange sticks, the yellow starting stick and two red obstacles. Each one takes a horse and places it next to the yellow starting stick. The horse that arrives first again next...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Release Date : October 2006
A trump and guess game on 32 kinds of predators. The cards show a series of numbers, the name of the animal, the animal's size and weight, the type of protection afforded to it and the animal's food. The cards are dealt, in turn one player rolls the...
Languages : German
Release Date : October 2006
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She liked to walk in the woods. One day, she saw a house: it was the house of the Bear family that had gone to pick mushrooms. Curious, she entered the house, walked around each room and, in...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €15.00 to €18.62
The object of the game is to be the first to attract three adorable kittens to him. Place the 11 cats in the middle of the table to form a reserve. Set up the dice. Play clockwise. The player who last petted a cat begins and rolls the die. The first...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Release Date : October 2006
Depending on the number of players, take the wooden pieces below and place them in front of you: If there are two players: two monkeys, two bananas and two coconuts. If there are three or four players: one monkey, one banana and one coconut. Prepare...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €10.00
With faces tense, the witches scan the magic ball. In a few moments, the magic symbols will appear. Silence reigns. Even the magic cauldron has stopped boiling, no more boiling can be heard. At last, the symbols appear. Immediately, the witches start...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €15.00
Little by little, darkness invades the meadow. The shepherds would like to take their sheep back to the sheepfold where it's very warm. But the sheep still play hide and seek in the meadow. The shepherds agree not to let this happen. In order to get...
Languages : German, English, French, Dutch
Amount : from €18.63