Renew your games with one or more expansions. They enrich your board game. Warning about some expansions can not be played without owning the basic game.
Find THE card that can change everything! With the striped kitten you can draw and hold an Exploding Kitten without exploding! Imagine a kind of containment field for Exploding Kitten. Among the advantages, it means that if someone steals a card from...
Languages : French
Amount : from €6.50 to €18.32
This extension offers new opportunities for the most daring captains! Recent storms have decimated fleets of unlucky adventurers, scattering their precious cargoes along the rocky coasts... and there are rumours of fortresses being erected in nearby...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.50 to €28.00
Since Green is considered by many to be one of the most important colours of the rainbow, no Fruity game could claim to be complete without the addition of Limes. These Fruits bring the perfect twist to the gameplay mechanics of Fabulosa Fructus. Discover...
Languages : English
Amount : from €19.00 to €22.02
Marie and Wilfried once again invite you to immerse yourself in this fairy-tale world whose heroes you choose. Take part in the creation of new stories! New stories, new animals and blank cards to write your own story! The Fabulia expansion includes...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.31 to €12.50
Welcome to Byzantium Secundus, seat of the Empire, node of the Star Network, economy, politics and diplomacy, through a supplement dedicated to the World Throne and its inhabitants on which all eyes. Byzantium Secundus is the center of the Known Worlds...
Languages : French
Amount : from €76.00
The Guilds reign on the stellar roads, produce innumerable indispensable goods and organize exchanges under the watchful eye of the nobles and the Church. This capital supplement (iste) makes you discover from inside the five major merchant guilds and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €88.00
After the Lords of the Known Worlds dedicated to the nobility, it is now the turn of the Clergy to be described in detail. The Universal Solar Church is inescapable, its influence is omnipresent and religion is one of the basic themes of the game. Religion...
Languages : French
Amount : from €76.00
Whoever leaves his home to follow in the footsteps of the prophet, that one will gain the Empyreus by wandering on the paths of Faith.... The prophet was born on Mars almost 3000 years ago. Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims travel the world....
Languages : French
Amount : from €19.41
Sometimes, in the Wasteland, things can get tough. After all, you're wandering around an irradiated hellscape, shooting ghouls as they pass by and trying to survive. But maybe you don't have to be alone! Maybe, just maybe, you'll find a few people who...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.40 to €16.40
Welcome to the California sun! Ah, California: the sun, the sea breeze ... and the radioactive desert that extends as far as the eye can see. This coastal state, now devastated, was once a jewel. But since the Great War, the region known as New California...
Languages : French
Amount : from €33.90 to €73.80
This deck contains all the model and AI profile cards for all Wave 1 miniatures, as well as the key weapons and equipment needed to use those miniatures. It also includes updated cards from the 2-player starter set with errata included. This deck is...
Languages : French
Amount : from €20.50 to €20.90
The second wave includes a new faction, the Raiders, as well as new profiles for Creatures and Robots to allow players to further increase their strength. They are joined by more Mysterious Stranger perks and notable equipment such as the X01 armour...
Languages : French
Amount : from €26.90 to €27.50