Coopérer avec vos petits camarades, cela vous permettra de battre le jeu.
The Fortress of Nurn is an Adventure pack of 60 fixed cards for the Revenge of Mordor expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. This pack offers new cards to enrich existing decks or create new ones, and provides players with an original scenario...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.90 to €39.90
I will continue as I started. We are now coming to the very edge, where hope and despair meet. To hesitate is to fall. Let no one now reject the advice of Gandalf, whose long labor against Sauron is finally coming to an end. - Aragorn, The Return of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €26.90 to €39.90
It's my destiny, I believe, to go to that Shadow over there so I can find a way. But will it be good or evil that shows it to me? The only hope we had was in speed. Delay plays into the hands of the enemy, and here I am: delayed. Is it the will of the...
Languages : French
Release Date : November 2015
The Land of Woe is an Adventure pack of 60 fixed cards for the Revenge of Mordor expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. This pack offers new cards to enrich existing decks or create new ones and provides players with an original scenario...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.90 to €39.90
The Destiny of the Wilderness is an Adventure Package of 60 fixed cards for the Ered Mithrin expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. This deck features new cards to enrich existing decks or create new ones and offers players an original scenario...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.49 to €39.90
The Ghost of Framsburg is a 60-card Adventure Pack for the Ered Mithrin expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. This deck offers new cards to enrich existing decks or create new ones and offers players an original scenario in which their...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.89 to €39.90
Celebrimbor's Secret is the fifth adventure pack of 60 fixed cards from the Ring Creator for the Lord of the Rings cycle: The Card Game. This deck features new cards to enhance existing decks or create new ones, and offers players an original scenario...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2014
In Les Havres Gris lived Círdan, the Carpenter of Ships, and some say he still lives there, and will remain there until the Last Ship has sailed to the West. In the time of the Kings, most of the Great Elves who still linger in Middle-earth lived near...
Languages : French
Release Date : June 2016
No traveller has set foot in the vast Nîn-in-Eilph marsh for a long time. The heroes entered in the hope of escaping from the servants of Mordor who hunt them, but creatures, much older and treacherous than the Orcs, hide in the wildest regions of Middle-earth......
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.95 to €39.90
It is said that at one time there were negotiations between Gondor and the kingdoms of Harad in the Deep South, but there was never any friendship. At that time, our borders were in the south beyond the mouths of Anduin, and Umbar, the closest to their...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2016
Even then, you wouldn't have a safe path. There is none in this part of the world. Remember that you are beyond the Desert Cusp now, and you are off to all sorts of distractions wherever you go. Before you could go north around the Black Forest, you'd...
Languages : French
Release Date : March 2018
Mount Gundabad is a 60-card adventure pack for the Ered Mithrin expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. This deck offers new cards to enrich existing decks or create new ones and offers players an original scenario in which their heroes can...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.99 to €39.90