These funny cards are worth 1 to 7 "heads of oxen" each. Your goal: to harvest as little as possible. At the beginning of the round you receive 10 cards. Each turn, the players choose a card and reveal it to everyone at the same time: these cards are...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.99 to €15.40
Make sandwiches, preferably good ones, and eat the ones you are given! After a phase of exchanging ingredients simultaneously with your partners, you will make three sandwiches with three elements each. You will then allocate these sandwiches to your...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.19 to €15.00
If you have the impression of hearing "Taking matches one after the other" and "Confusing speed and rush" at least once every WE, if by closing your eyes and imagining "a heart with your fingers" or "Tony Vairelles' mule", you have a smile on your face,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.20 to €13.50
Welsh Complete is an extension of 200 cards (160 answers and 40 fill-in-the-blank sentences) all on the Ch'ti theme (written with Ch'ti comedian Jojo Bernard). Get a good dose of self-mockery and come and laugh with your friends! Contents of the box...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.00
What if the formation of the Earth had unfolded differently? In Ecos: First Continent, the players embody deities who shape the planet as they wish. Alas, these forces of nature do not have the same projects and a different vision from the others. Your...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €45.00
Galette Complète is an extension of 200 cards of Blanc-manger Coco on the theme of Brittany. Each player has 11 white cards. One player reads a blue card with a hole sentence. All other players put down one of their white cards. The funniest card wins...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.46
The Coming Out is an extension of the famous card game Blanc-manger Coco. It is composed of 200 cards (160 answers and 40 hole sentences), all on the LGBT+ theme. This game was developed in partnership with Têtu magazine. It contains all the elements...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €13.90
A new extension for Blanc manger coco 100% compatible with the basic games (Blanc manger coco and Le déluge) and the previous extensions (La recave, La pilule, Pot de départ, La geekerie). It offers 200 cards (160 answers and 40 questions) on the theme...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €16.12
Discover Climat, an extension for Evolution! In Evolution, players evolve their species by giving them genetic traits that will allow them to survive in an ever-changing ecosystem. Food is scarce and carnivores are on the prowl. The basic Evolution game...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €31.00
100% compatible with Blanc-Manger Coco (600 cards) The irreverence of Blanc-Manger Coco is now tackling the world of fans of the imagination and digital culture. You like the Marvel saga and cuddling with our friend Pedobear, the sequences of "0" and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €17.60
100% compatible with Blanc-Manger Coco (600 cards) You never imagined you would laugh so much about the world of work. Pot de Départ is the sequel to Blanc-Manger Coco about work, work, work. Whether you've already done a coffee-bookbinding internship,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.90
You may have been a young parent, you may know young parents, your parents may have been young parents. You know, they know very well what it means: the joys, the hardships, the dark thoughts that have gone through their heads. You'll be able to laugh...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €17.41