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Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Go on an adventure in a new region! Welcome to the tropical region of Alola! Go on an adventure with Brindibou, Flamiaou and Otaquin. Search for the legendary Solgaleo-GX and Lunala-GX Pokémon to see the massive power of a new type of Pokémon. The attacks...

Languages : French
Amount : from €27.80

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Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Duo de Choc - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

The Pokémon-GX ESCOUADE have arrived! Here are some new cards, which combine Pokémon with each other and increase their power. The Sun and Moon - Shock Duo extension of the JCC Pokémon offers amazing combat teams, for example Pikachu and Zekrom-GX plus...

Languages : French
Amount : from €60.00

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Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Duo de Choc - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Gardien Ascendants - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Gardien Ascendants - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Have fun with the Pokémon during your visit to Alola. From the seaside to the top of the mountains, discover new traditions and challenges! Discover the Island Guardians with two themed decks: Steel Sun and Veiled Moon! Visit the islands to capture the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €4.95 to €5.80

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Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Lumière Interdite - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Necrozma's power is limitless! Necrozma took the world by surprise by absorbing two legendary Pokémon and adopting the new Ultra-Necrozma-GX shape! Pokémon gather to welcome or resist this light. Lucario-GX, Amphinobi-GX, Zygarde-GX, Yveltal-GX, Mandrillon-GX,...

Languages : French
Amount : from €5.50 to €29.90

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €29.90
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Lumière Interdite - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Ombres Ardentes - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Ombres Ardentes - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

What strange lights pierce the shadows? Team Skull henchmen and a group of new Pokémon are ready for battle in the dark at night and under a blazing sun! Defend yourself against new titans such as Necrozma-GX, and Tokopisco-GX, or enlist trusted allies...

Languages : French
Amount : from €28.00

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €28.00
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Tempête Céleste - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

While an emerald gleam storm is threatening, Pokémon and creatures of the Ultra-Dimension are battling it out! Some let themselves be carried away by the storm and others defy it, with Artikodin-GX, Braségali-GX, Cizayox-GX, Ama-Ama-GX and the impressive...

Languages : French
Amount : from €35.00

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Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Tempête Céleste - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Tonnerre Perdu - Booster
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Tonnerre Perdu - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Let the lightning roar! Travel through the mountainous forests, where the scent of incense blends with the scents of the lightning flashes of high voltage Pokémon! The extension of the JCC Pokémon Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder combines new and classic, for...

Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €29.90
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Ultra Prisme - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Cross the Ultra-Breach into a new and amazing Pokémon universe, where strange scenes seem familiar and new forces emerge! Watch Necrozma's rise to power and discover brand new cards that will have an impressive effect on the game. Meet Dialga-GX and...

Languages : French
Amount : from €19.99

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €19.99
Pokémon: Soleil et Lune - Ultra Prisme - Booster
Pokémon: XY - Booster
Pokémon: XY - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Mega-evolutions are invading the collections! Kalos has been revealed, but there is still so much to discover! New Trainers, new tactics and the dreaded Xerneas and Yveltal await you, but also something that will make even the most terrible of Pokémon-EXs...

Languages : French
Amount : from €5.00 to €21.46

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Pokémon: XY - Ciel Rugissant - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

A new extension full of powerful Pokémon! Surf on the wind of the fights! Mega-Latios-EX leads a roaring Dragon-type Pokémon horde while the superb Mega-Rayquaza-EX emerges from the edge of space! High-flying stars Deoxys, Dracolosse, Zekrom, Trioxhydre-EX...

Languages : French
Amount : from €4.95

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Pokémon: XY - Ciel Rugissant - Booster
Pokémon: XY - Étincelles - Booster
Pokémon: XY - Étincelles - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

The extension that sets the powder on fire! An incandescent victory awaits you when you play with the XY extension - JCCPokémon Sparks! Set the powder on fire with the fiery Pokémon Fire offensive and push your opponent back as Mega-Dracaufeu-EX takes...

Languages : French
Amount : from €45.00

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €45.00
Pokémon: XY - Évolutions - Booster

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

The Pokémon legacy is evolving with the XY extension - Evolutions of the Pokémon CGC! Trainers and their Pokémon are growing and evolving - and this expansion gives back their glory to the very first Pokémon card games. With the exhilarating power of...

Languages : French
Amount : from €53.33

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Pokémon: XY - Évolutions - Booster

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