
Aliadys (Publisher)


Aliadys is Publisher, whose headquarters are located in ???. The company has published 2 games (Allégeance, Scripta).

Phone : +33 6 32 71 59 67



2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 6 Notes

2-4 PlayersNb of players

30 MinPlaying time

Age: 12+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

King Corniak is no longer... Don't mourn him, he wouldn't have done it for you. A war of power in which you, the great Lords of the Kingdom of Thelenia, will participate, is about to begin. Allegiance is a game of majority in turn by turn running over...

Languages : French
Amount : from €20.90 to €22.50

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2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 14 Notes

2-5 PlayersNb of players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Immerse yourself in the era of scribes and engraved stones. Write words together, collect laurel wreaths and get rid of your cards as soon as possible. Only one will win...It's up to you to make history. The goal of the game is to find a letter to ask...

Languages : French
Amount : from €14.50 to €16.00

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €14.50