Randolph Pub Ludique is Publisher, whose headquarters are located in MONTRÉAL QC H2X 3K8. The company has published 4 games (Une Patate à Vélo: Le Jeu, Jokes de Papa: Version Salée, Jokes de Papa: Version Sucrée, Jokes de Papa).
Address :
2041 Rue Saint-denis
Phone : +1 438-387-4001
WebsiteIs it possible to have a potato on a bicycle? A farting unicorn? A Potato on a Bike - The Game, is a game in which you have to decide whether the combinations can or cannot be made by trying to get the same answer to move forward on the track. Fun and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €18.50 to €20.00
Dad's jokes, what is it? A joke, you laugh, you lost! In this Salty version you will find 200 jokes of (very) bad taste for a good slice of laughter between consenting adults! An example ? finally a presentable example ... The dentist warns his patient:...
Languages : French
Amount : from €2.37 to €16.30
Daddy's Jokes, what's that again? A joke, you laugh, you lose! In this Sweet version you'll find 200 jokes specially chosen to spend a memorable moment with your family! An example? What does a Kangaroo do when he's bored? He reads a paperback book!...
Languages : French
Amount : from €7.90 to €31.55
But what's a daddy's Joke? Let's be clear, it's a shitty joke, the one your dad could do what... But it's also a series of Quebec videos made by the Gaboom team (to discover urgently if you don't know, it's good to laugh sometimes!). In these videos,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.11 to €22.00