Space Cow

Space Cow ()

Space Cow

Space Cow is , whose headquarters are located in Buc. The company has published 13 games (Oursons Taquins, Sheep Hop !, Unlock ! Les Escape Geeks - Échappez-vous..., Attrape Monstres, + 9 more).

Address :
238 Rue Des Frères Farman
78530 Buc

Yum Yum Island

Yum Yum Island

2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.1 - 10 Notes
Yum Yum Island

2-5 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 6+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

On Yum Yum Island, pigs, beavers, panda, kitten and other animals of all kinds live in peace. Until the day Ferdinand the giant arrives and eats all the food on the island! Your mission as a member of the Pelican Air Squadron 1: save the animals by dropping...

Languages : French
Amount : from €6.99 to €27.39

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