Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Guide du Maître
Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Guide du Maître

Players: 2+Nb of players

256 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

As the game master of a Pathfinder campaign, you are the architect of your players' adventures, a rewarding but sometimes demanding responsibility. This supplement is designed to make your job easier! Whether you want to design your own monsters and...

Languages : French
Amount : from €48.96 to €49.90

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Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Collector - Livre de Base

Players: 2+Nb of players

640 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

This rulebook for the Pathfinder Second Edition role-playing game contains new rules and options for characters, adding even more depth to your games! You'll find new ancestry, new legacies, and four new classes: the cunning investigator, the mysterious...

Languages : French
Release Date : November 2019

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Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Collector - Livre de Base
Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Livre de Base

Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Livre de Base

2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 13 Notes
Pathfinder: Seconde Édition - Livre de Base

Players: 2+Nb of players

640 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder role-playing game provides everything you need to embark on a world of limitless fantasy adventures! The new Pathfinder rules are easier to learn, faster to play, and more customizable than ever before!...

Languages : French
Amount : from €59.50 to €59.90

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