Juliane Macedo

Juliane Macedo (Artist)

Juliane Macedo

Juliane Macedo, Artist board games. Illustrated 1 games (Tails of Equestria: Le Jeu d'Aventure...)

Tails of Equestria: Le Jeu d'Aventure - Le Festival des Lumières
Tails of Equestria: Le Jeu d'Aventure - Le Festival des Lumières

Players: 2+Nb of players

56 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Venture to Ocrepoulain, an ancient city in the Desolate Lands south of Equestria. Ocrepoulain may be sheltered from the surface world, but it is threatened by perils from the depths of the earth! It needs you! Will you dare to plunge into the deepest...

Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €29.90

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