Nathalie Choux

Nathalie Choux (Artist)

Nathalie Choux

Nathalie Choux, Artist board games. Illustrated 1 games (Little Action)

Little Action

Little Action

2016 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.5 - 14 Notes
Little Action

2-4 PlayersNb of players

10 MinPlaying time

Age: 2+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

It's a party in the jungle and the animals are challenging each other! On his turn, the player turns over a card from the deck and tries to complete the challenge drawn on this card (build a pyramid, play bowling, throw, catch, etc.). If he succeeds,...

Languages : Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish
Amount : from €15.90 to €26.22

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