Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Créatures de Rokugan
Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Créatures de Rokugan

Players: 2+Nb of players

192 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Rokugan has never been populated solely by humans. Centuries before the Dawn of the Empire, flourishing civilizations of nonhuman creatures, such as the Naga and ogres, ruled over Rokugan. Although these civilizations are currently extinct, their descendants...

Languages : French
Amount : from €34.95

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Fading Suns: Les Marchands du Réseau Stellaire

Players: 2+Nb of players

144 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

The Guilds reign on the stellar roads, produce innumerable indispensable goods and organize exchanges under the watchful eye of the nobles and the Church. This capital supplement (iste) makes you discover from inside the five major merchant guilds and...

Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €88.00

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Fading Suns: Les Marchands du Réseau Stellaire
Reissued by : Deadlands: Reloaded

Players: 2+Nb of players

192 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

We are in 1876, but the story is not the one you know. The American Civil War is raging, and neither side seems to be taking advantage. The sea has engulfed much of California, the Sioux Nation claims the Dakota territories. And the dead walk among us....

Languages : French
Amount : from €110.42

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