Role-playing games allow players to play a character in an imaginary environment led by a game master. The best known is the famous Dungeons & Dragons often abbreviated to D&D.
Like a nesting doll, the book you hold is a game in the game, an infinity of universes intertwined in an infinity of universes. Horror is hidden from the corner of everyday life, and tales of fear and madness defying the imagination come to you in letters...
Languages : French
Amount : from €258.71
Supplement for the role-playing system D20 SYSTEM (compatible with Dungeons & Dragons / D&D edition 3.5) in the universe of "Midnight - Fantastic Adventures in a Dark Ages" from Black Book Editions under license Fantasy Flight Games. This extension includes...
Languages : French
Amount : from €149.00
Shadow Anger is a supplement for MIDNIGHT d20 VF. In this 176-page booklet you will find a description of the Caraheen, home of Queen Witch Aradil, the Veradeen, the territory of the snow elves, and other mythical places, subject to the influence of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €149.00
This 128-page full-colour hardcover book offers a complete bestiary of Old World creatures, monsters and races. The book describes many creatures (with their playing characteristics) such as green skins, the offspring of the Horned Rat, the undead, the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.99 to €149.00
This 128-page full-colour hardcover book offers a wealth of rules and play aids relating to equipment. This supplement includes a numismatic guide to the different kingdoms and city-states of the Old World, a heraldic guide, a precise study of armour...
Languages : French
Amount : from €139.00
Theros Obsidia, the gigantic tower that stands in the middle of Hautemuraille, the seat of Izrador's omnipotence and his legates, the true heart of the Shadow is described in detail in this fourth supplement. A wealth of information about the occupied...
Languages : French
Amount : from €139.00
Extension "Monsters and Supposts of Izrador" for the role-playing system D20 SYSTEM (compatible with Dungeons & Dragons / D&D edition 3.5) in the universe of "MIDNIGHT - Fantastic Adventures in a Dark Age" from Black Book Editions under license Fantasy...
Languages : French
Amount : from €129.00
This 256-page full-colour hardcover book offers a complete role-playing game in the medieval-gothic world of Warhammer and the Old World. The book features a complete game system based on simple rules that emphasise social interaction, a fast character-player...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €91.64
The 2-flap game screen with flaps, Italian format (landscape) in semi-rigid cardboard, provides all the useful tables for the Game Leader. The 32-page black & white booklet is intended for the Game Leader and provides a blank battle sheet, NPC sheets,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €50.00 to €89.00
Exile is a role-playing game that could be called "Dark Steampunk". His universe is not about the Earth but a distant planet, Forge. Its main decoration is the vertical city of Exil, a stone and steel city built on the moon that orbits around Forge....
Languages : French
Amount : from €85.00
Extension "A heroic epic through Eredan" for the role-playing system D20 SYSTEM (compatible with Dungeons & Dragons / D&D edition 3.5) in the universe of "MIDNIGHT - Fantastic Adventures in a Dark Ages" from Black Book Editions under license Fantasy...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.00
This 96-page full-colour hardcover book offers a collection of adventures including 6 turnkey scenarios with NPC profiles, maps and game aids. The scenarios are titled "The Grapes of Wrath", "For Love or Money", "The House of Horror", "An Agitated Night...
Languages : French
Amount : from €46.53