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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/7d/5b/d2-fleet-commander-orbit-regle-multilingue.pdf
La présence d’un soleil au centre de la bataille va totalement changer l’espace-temps dans lequel évoluent vos vaisseaux. Tout change, car les 32 cases de ce tapis vont mettre à mal votre perception de l’espace, et rien ne change car toutes les règles restent les mêmes.
574.89 Ko - In English 574.89 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a5/a0/ca-fleet-commander-pirates-rulebook.pdf
Among the thousands of stars colonized by humanity, not all are under the domination of empires. Coalitions of free worlds attempt to defend their independence while systems far from civilization sometimes offer secret hideaways for groups that survive by pillaging.
510.81 Ko - In English 515.64 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/6a/cc/eb-fleet-commander-salvation-rulebook.pdf
Following decades of battles, warring factions realized that it was essential to support warships in combat. Therefore, specialized ships began to appear during battle: the Technical Ships.
669.72 Ko - In English 637.75 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/ce/52/eb-fleet-the-dice-game-dicey-waters-rulebook.pdf
Can’t get enough fishing? Try the original Fleet! Acquire licenses, launch boats, and fish the great briny blue. The player who best manages his resources and acquires the most Victory Points (VP) via fish, licenses, and boats will build the strongest Fleet and lead his crew to victory!
214.27 Ko - In English 280.43 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/6b/47/71-fleet-the-dice-game-rulebook.pdf
One moment, the sky over scenic Ridback Bay is an innocent blue, with a few otter-shaped clouds somersaulting high above. But all of a sudden, the weather turns dicey and the sky darkens to a bruised and foreboding purple. Timid trawlers turn back and seek the shelter of the harbor to ride out the approaching storm from inside the walls of the pub . . . but not you. As the others come in, you and...
1.99 Mo - In English 1.10 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/c7/90/32-flick-em-up-dead-of-winter-rulebook.pdf
After searching every corner of the city, Rosa and Kevin head back to rejoin the group. The canned food they gathered should be enough to keep them going for the foreseeable future.
13.48 Mo - In English 21.97 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/b3/78/fc-flick-em-up-red-rock-tomahawk-bonus-scenario.pdf
The Sheriff is back! He’s escorting a group of people to Waukasee, and hidden among them is the government official. If the official can get to the tipi, where the village elder is waiting, they can both sign and adopt a treaty that ensures the land stays in the hands of the Native Americans, where it belongs.
2.67 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/e9/74/75-flick-em-up-red-rock-tomahawk-rulebook.pdf
After months of relentlessly being tailed by the Sheriff, the Cooper clan has had enough! Determined to rebuild their family’s legacy, they head to the boonies in search of defenseless towns to loot. A new chapter of dirty deeds and easy livin’ has started for the ruthless Cooper Clan.
6.39 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/f4/0b/6e-flick-em-up-rulebook.pdf
A gunslinger of your talent never misses his mark. A good thing, too. You’ve only got one bullet left, but that’s all you need to end Ol’ Cooper’s reign of terror once and for all. Welcome to the exciting world of Flick ‘em Up! – a game whose immersive scenarios and exceptional components will transform your kitchen table into a rugged, ruthless town of the wild west.
1.78 Mo - In English 11.02 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fd/2a/e1-flick-em-up-stallion-canyon-rulebook.pdf
A cowboy without his horse ain’t a real cowboy. This expansion introduces horses and other new pieces that’ll have you visiting brand new towns in the wild west of Flick ‘em Up! Giddy up cowboy!
5.65 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/13/2d/87-flick-of-faith-rulebook.pdf
Flick of Faith is a flicking area control game in which players take the roles of various gods. Their goal is to set Laws of the land, flick Prophets (discs) onto Islands, and to convert the most locals (represented by Victory Points). The god with the most Victory Points is declared the winner.
1.07 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/01/2e/22-flooping-regle-multilingue.pdf
Décollage imminent pour “Objectif Tartine”. Bien reçu bien reçu ! Bzzzzzzz Pok! Atterrissage réussi, en plein dans le mille!
4.12 Mo - In German 4.12 Mo - In English 4.12 Mo - In Spanish 4.12 Mo - In French 4.12 Mo - In Italian 4.12 Mo - In Dutch 4.12 Mo - In Portuguese 4.12 Mo - In Russian