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Amun-Re: The Card Game Rulebook


The “Amun-Re” card game is set in ancient Egypt. The game lasts three Kingdoms, during which you will first acquire then develop three Provinces. To win, you must control the most prosperous Provinces, make the most bountiful offerings to Amun-Re, and construct as many Pyramids as possible.

6.39 Mo - In English 6.52 Mo - In French

Amyitis Extension Rulebook


Set the Palace board next to the game board. Place the players’ score markers at the start of the palace track (before the first square). To indicate their score, the players will use one of their cubes instead.

206.92 Ko - In English 214.18 Ko - In French

Amyitis Rulebook


590BC. Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, marries the magnificent Amyitis, daughter of the King of Media. But the beauty pines for the lush vegetation of her land.

473.92 Ko - In English 474.57 Ko - In French

Anachrony: Fractures of Time Rulebook


Since the Paths' Time Rifts powered up for the first time on the Day of Reminiscence, masses of people across New Earth have been seeing visions of a fifth Time Rift hovering over the eerie Ground Zero of the impact, waiting to be discovered. These visions also invoked an increasing sense of empathy and fellowship between these people — a bond much stronger than their Path affiliation. A mass exodus...

7.63 Mo - In English 8.36 Mo - In French

Anachrony Rulebook


The world has changed. It is the 26th century and New Earth is slowly recovering from the Day of Purgation: the day a mysterious, catastrophic explosion shook the entire planet. The majority of the population was exterminated, and most of the surface became uninhabitable. No one understood what really caused the apocalypse — the only thing the survivors could do was find shelter until the dust settled.

8.64 Mo - In English 6.15 Mo - In French

Andor: Chada & Thorn - Le Guerrier Des Iles Embrumées


Cette variante solo pour Chada & Thorn retrace les aventures de Stinner, le Guerrier des Îles Embrumées, juste après le naufrage de l’Aldebaran au large de l’île de Narkon.

361.76 Ko - In French

Andor: Chada & Thorn Rulebook


Note: This is the complete translation of the Chada & Thorn rules, including a translation of all the cards in the game. Neither English nor German is my native language so I apologize for any small mistakes in this translation. I am pretty confident though, that any textual mistakes I may have made should be minor, and not have any impact on the gameplay.

239.72 Ko - In English 1.63 Mo - In French

Andor: Irja la Sirène


Irja la Sirène était tombée amoureuse. Tous les jours, au lever du soleil, elle attendait impatiemment son Héros (ou son Héroïne !).

145.40 Ko - In French

Andor: Junior Règle


Depuis la grande tempête, vous apercevez régulièrement une louve sans ses petits rôder anxieusement autour du château. Les trois louveteaux ont été vus pour la dernière fois dans les montagnes, de l’autre côté de la rivière. Ils se sont certainement égarés dans la mine des Nains... Vous décidez aussitôt de leur porter secours ! Mais avant de partir à leur recherche, vous devez accomplir les missions...

1.30 Mo - In French

Andor: Koram, Chef des Gors


Une mini-extension à télécharger pour pimenter un peu vos parties sur les légendes 2 à 5 et la Légende de Gardétoile.

192.46 Ko - In French

Andor: La Libération de la Mine


“La Libération de la Mine” est une nouvelle légende passionnante qui se joue sur le plateau représentant la Mine et dont le récit se situe entre les Légendes 4 et 5 du jeu de base.

1.55 Mo - In French

Andor: L’Appel des Skrals


Partout, on entendait les Skrals mugir comme du bétail à l’approche du boucher. Leurs yeux flamboyaient de rage, ils sentaient que l’un des leurs avait été abattu.

162.18 Ko - In French

16 / 394 - 4,727 results