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308 / 394 - 4,727 results

Smash Up: It's Your Fault! Rulebook


It’s Your Fault! is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just five factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the core set, just think of it as viral advertising.

761.96 Ko - In English 7.48 Mo - In French

Smash Up: Marvel Rulebook


The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up begins with a simple premise: take the 20-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a deck of forty cards, then compete to crush more bases than your opponents! Each faction involves a different gaming mechanism, and each combination of factions brings a different gaming experience.

2.47 Mo - In English 3.92 Mo - In French

Smash Up: Monster Smash Rulebook


Monster Smash is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the core set, just think of it as viral advertising.

2.45 Mo - In English

Smash Up: Munchkin Rulebook


Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!

2.88 Mo - In English 6.79 Mo - In French

Smash Up: Oops, You Did It Again Rulebook


Each player selects two different factions to play with, and is considered the owner of the factions they choose, for gameplay purposes. Shuffle together your two factions to make a 40-card deck.

2.92 Mo - In English

Smash Up: Pretty Pretty Smash Up Rulebook


Pretty Pretty Smash Up is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the core set, just think of it as viral advertising.

2.14 Mo - In English

Smash Up Rulebook


From its frst big bang, the Smash Up universe has expanded until our frst Big Geeky Box became too small to hold it all! So we took that box and made it better, stronger, faster, bigger.

2.77 Mo - In English 1.16 Mo - In French

Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature Rulebook


Science Fiction Double Feature is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the core set, just think of it as viral advertising.

1.48 Mo - In English

Smash Up: That '70s Expansion Rulebook


Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!

11.45 Mo - In English

Smash Up: What Were We Thinking? Rulebook


Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!

949.84 Ko - In English 7.35 Mo - In French

Smash Up: World Tour – International Incident Rulebook


World Tour: International Incident is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the other sets, just think of it as viral marketing.

2.21 Mo - In English

Smile Life Règle


Le jeu consiste à faire et réussir sa vie. Les cartes représentent pour cela des événements liés aux domaines professionnel et personnel : amour, argent, famille, études, carrière, etc. Chaque joueur tâchera d’obtenir les meilleures cartes pour bâtir sa situation et être le plus heureux possible. Sans épargner les autres pour autant...

1.79 Mo - In French

308 / 394 - 4,727 results