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379 / 394 - 4,727 results

Wayfarers of the South Tigris Rulebook


Wayfarers of the South Tigris is set during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As brave explorers, cartographers and astronomers, players set off from Baghdad to map the surrounding land, waterways, and heavens above. Players must carefully manage their caravan of workers and equipment, while reporting back regularly to journal their findings at the House of Wisdom.

3.29 Mo - In English

Way of the Panda Rulebook


For ages, the Xian, the eastern region of the ancient Panda-lands, has been occupied and pillaged by a merciless brotherhood of human ninjas. Its villages have been periodically plundered, and trade routes between cities are far too dangerous to travel.

3.63 Mo - In English

Way Up High Rulebook


Choose the best cards to create runs of color or value to gain the most points. But keep an eye on other players’ treehouses, because at the end of your turn, your neighbor to the left receives all the cards in your hand.

2.34 Mo - In English 2.41 Mo - In French

Wazabi Rulebook


You are an apprentice to a great sushi master, and you have spent the last ten years honing your skills in preparation for this day— your final test before earning the title of expert chef: Itamae-San. Sushi is about culinary expertise, and you must always strive to master your skills while serving an array of vivid colors, mouthwatering tastes, and creative combinations.

478.29 Ko - In English 422.91 Ko - In French

Wealth of Nations Rulebook


Players compete to control the world’s riches by investing in its major resources and industries and using the royalties from them to increase their holdings and acquire monopolies and trusts. The impact of world events, enforced auction sales, bonuses and penalties can result in sudden changes of fortune.

44.35 Ko - In English 1.84 Mo - In French

Weather Machine Rulebook


In Weather Machine, you are scientists on Prof. Lativ’s team, tampering with control of local weather: adjusting rainfall for farms, maintaining wind and clear skies for ecological energy sources, and tweaking the temperature for resorts or sporting events. The prototype is quite effective so far; however, a pattern has emerged, revealing a worrying side effect: Each use of the Weather Machine also...

4.69 Mo - In English

Welcome Back to the Dungeon Rulebook


The sun is shining in the Abysmal Woods where you’re strolling without a care in the world, your weapon at your belt, dreams of adventure in your head. On your path, you stop before a damaged dungeon door. It seems that great battles took place here, a sure sign of coveted treasure inside.

2.91 Mo - In English 2.88 Mo - In French

Welcome to La Petite Mort Règle La Petite Mort


Chères petites faucheuses, L’université, c’est aussi les travaux pratiques et les stages en milieu professionnel ! Pour parfaire votre Cursus universitaire, vous allez devoir réaliser un travail sur le terrain qui sera noté et comptera pour l’obtention du diplôme final.

437.38 Ko - In French

Welcome to La Petite Mort Règle Welcome to


Les architectes ont construit une ville dans laquelle il fait bon vivre. Pourtant il faut bien mourir un jour ! Vous êtes des Petites Morts et votre rôle est de faucher des âmes. Le Grand Tout a donné ses consignes : chaque habitant doit mourir selon des causes précises. Accomplissez les meilleures fauches possibles pour devenir la meilleure des Petites Morts !

845.97 Ko - In French

Welcome to New Las Vegas Rulebook


Give to each architect a pen (not provided), and 2 sheets from the pad: one sheet for the city and one sheet for the scoring. Pick 3 Project Cards: a pink project , a purple project and a yellow project . Place these 3 cards project side up (all the other Project cards are put back in the box and will not be used in that game).

4.17 Mo - In English 4.17 Mo - In French

Welcome to the Moon Rulebook


Citizens of Earth, we are facing a dire situation. Our planet is doomed. The fate of humanity is in your hands… It is no longer about preserving our way of life or our economy. Now, it is a struggle for our very existence. And our survival depends on our capacity to conquer the Moon. This conquest, this last hope of survival, we entrust it to you.

6.50 Mo - In English 7.04 Mo - In French

Welcome to Your Perfect Home: Camion de Glace Règle


Le camion de glace ne fait qu’un passage par rue, toutes les commandes de glaces manquées seront donc perdues. Lorsque vous écrivez un numéro sur une maison, tracez une ligne depuis le camion de glace jusqu’à cette maison. Si le camion de glace termine son trajet devant une maison avec un cornet de glace, entourezle, puis barrez tous les autres cornets de glace sur le trajet parcouru.

760.43 Ko - In English 760.43 Ko - In French

379 / 394 - 4,727 results