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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a9/41/93-montego-bay-rulebook.pdf
Montego Bay – in the small harbour town on the edge of an idyllic bay in the north-west of the island of Jamaica work and industry rule. For the dockers it’s time to leave the taverns and load the waiting ships. Only Lazy Jack is not ready to leave his regular seat in a harbour pub. He’s happy to earn a few coins now and then and otherwise enjoy each day as it comes.
1.44 Mo - In English 1.43 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/0f/64/28-montana-rulebook.pdf
Halfway through the 19th century the first permanent settlements appear in Montana. After this many fortune seekers travel to this region with their caravans in search of work and building a better future for themselves.
2.20 Mo - In English 1.27 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/23/e7/b7-monster-soup-regle.pdf
Toujours affamés, les monstres ne se séparent jamais d’un sac plein de provisions afin de pouvoir se préparer une délicieuse soupe en quelques instants … à condition bien sûr d’y trouver rapidement les ingrédients de leurs monstrueuses recettes !
1.70 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/71/ff/02-monster-slaughter-underground-rulebook.pdf
Monster Slaughter: Underground is an expansion for Monster Slaughter. This time, you’ll be going to the depths of horror in the cabin’s basement! Terror sometimes makes you crazy… After splitting up into small groups and stumbling blindly through poorly lit rooms, the guests now think they’re safe in the basement! Will it be their salvation… or their tomb?
5.82 Mo - In English 5.79 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/6b/8b/18-monster-slaughter-scenarios.pdf
What you have here between your claws is the Monster Slaughter scenario booklet. We recommend that you play these scenarios only after you've played the game a few times using the normal rules. We also invite you to play these scenarios in order, as the first are the easiest to play and contain fewer changes to the normal rules. And if you like, scenarios 9 and 10 can be played together back-to-back.
4.23 Mo - In English 4.26 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/40/2e/6a-monster-slaughter-rulebook.pdf
Each player controls a family of monsters that breaks into the cabin to slaughter the party guests and earn points while doing so. The family that wreaks the most terror and bloodshed by the end of the night wins!
7.38 Mo - In English 7.74 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a0/d8/e8-monster-propre-regle.pdf
Quelle activité dans la buanderie ! On frotte, on s‘asperge et on patauge : que d‘éclaboussures ! Pour se débarrasser de leur odeur de renfermé, les monstres ont prévu une grande journée de lessive. Ils passent tout à l‘eau et c’est la pagaille ! Lancez-vous dans la mêlée et essayer de remettre de l‘ordre !
2.36 Mo - In German 2.36 Mo - In English 2.36 Mo - In Spanish 2.36 Mo - In French 2.36 Mo - In Italian 2.36 Mo - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fb/ba/46-monster-my-neighbor-rulebook.pdf
One player is the monster, others may be hunters. How can you tell who is who? As the cards keep getting exchanged, the identity of the monster remains vague. In one turn you can be a hunter trying to capture the monster and in the next moment you might become the monster escaping the hunters!
412.78 Ko - In English 632.83 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/20/2f/e4-monster-menu-regle.pdf
Quel menu allez-vous préparer pour ces deux monstres à l’appétit féroce ? Qui parviendra à nourrir ces deux gloutons capricieux ? Mais attention ! Vous devez avoir une paire de chaque aliment pour pouvoir servir la même nourriture aux deux monstres en même temps. Sinon, ils deviennent jaloux et commencent à se disputer.
1.90 Mo - In German 1.90 Mo - In English 1.90 Mo - In Spanish 1.90 Mo - In French 1.90 Mo - In Italian 1.90 Mo - In Dutchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/90/dc/08-monster-expedition-rulebook.pdf
As the newest members of the Royal Monstrological Society, you go on expeditions to hunt for legendary monsters. This time, they have been spotted in the Aerie, the Depths, and the Enchanted Forest. Set up your camps in these regions and go hunting. Improve your camps and use your monsters’ abilities to return from your Monster Expedition with some awesome creatures in tow!
1.51 Mo - In English 4.19 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/93/a5/12-monster-chase-rulebook.pdf
20 Monster card (child in his bed on the back), 1 Closet card, 10 Toy tiles, 2 Expert tiles (blue background), 3 Progression cards (red on one side and blue on the other), 1 rules booklet.
965.58 Ko - In English 1.25 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/56/25/da-monster-chase-2012-rulebook.pdf
Scare the monsters into the closet with the right toy. Monster Chase is a cooperative game. This means that, instead of competing against each other, the players must unite their forces to beat the game, represented by the monsters. The players win or lose together.
452.30 Ko - In English 291.88 Ko - In French