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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/8c/a5/9f-hapy-families-regle.pdf
En visitant la pyramide, Hapy pousse accidentellement une porte secrète et découvre une tablette antique. Mais lorsqu’il s’approche, une divinité apparaît soudain. «Ouf, merci de m’avoir trouvé ! Mais tous les autres dieux sont encore cachés dans la pyramide. Aide-moi à les chercher, nous n’avons pas joué ensemble depuis des siècles !»
3.08 Mo - In German 3.08 Mo - In English 3.08 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/b1/8a/1c-happy-salmon-rulebook.pdf
What do two salmon do when they cross each other? They greet ! And it makes them quiver!
206.93 Ko - In English 881.74 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/35/57/65-happy-pigs-rulebook.pdf
You are farmers raising pigs over the course of one year, with a goal of selling them at the market. You can buy or breed pigs, fatten them up, and sell them off for profit. But pay attention to the changing seasons! They can make all the difference for your pig farm!
1.53 Mo - In English 1.40 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/df/a0/50-happy-party-regle.pdf
In turn, each player throws the two dice, then carefully blows to try to make the candles shown fall over. The player who succeeds in blowing the right candles over chooses a gift. If the gift is on his wish list, he keeps it. The first player to have all the gifts on his list wins!
877.58 Ko - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/55/63/54-happy-little-dinosaurs-rulebook.pdf
Welcome to Happy Little Dinosaurs. In this game, you are a Dinosaur, and life repeatedly tries to punch you in the face. You’ll do your best to avoid Natural, Predatory, and Emotional disasters while dodging Meteors, and much like in the real world, you’ll probably fail. But keep picking yourself back up, because the first Dinosaur to reach 50 points (or the last Dinosaur standing) wins the game!...
307.63 Ko - In English 2.10 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/b0/72/19-happy-hour-no-winners-just-losers-regle.pdf
Le but du jeu est de forcer les autres joueurs à faire des fautes et à ne pas respecter la loi, ce qui les fera boire. Pas si compliqué que ça quand on a déjà quelques verres dans le nez !? Quand la 4e carte « Happy Hour » apparaît, c’est la fin de la partie.
970.84 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/8b/23/3c-happy-city-rulebook.pdf
All the players simultaneously receive money from the bank: they take the sum of the income symbols shown at the bottom of the cards in their city (e.g. for the 1st round - 1 coin each, thanks to the Happy Market).
2.79 Mo - In English 2.68 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/0e/8a/8d-happy-bunny-regle.pdf
C’est la journée de récolte des carottes dans le potager du fermier. Hop ! Petit lapin gourmand que vous êtes, vous tentez de récolter le plus de carottes possible. Rassemblez votre récolte en espérant qu’elle soit en quantité suffisante pour vous rassasier.
8.00 Mo - In German 8.00 Mo - In English 8.00 Mo - In Spanish 8.00 Mo - In French 8.00 Mo - In Italian 8.00 Mo - In Dutch 8.00 Mo - In Portuguese 8.00 Mo - In Russianpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/ec/33/3d-hansel-et-gretel-regle.pdf
À la fin de chaque tour de table, chaque personnage doit être déplacé selon le nombre de points de sa couleur présents sur le pourtour de l’ensemble de tuiles : Hansel avance d'autant de cases que de points verts, pour Gretel, on compte les points rouges et, pour la sorcière, les violets.
1,005.79 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/26/0c/b9-hansa-teutonica-rulebook.pdf
Players attempt to increase their standing as merchants in the Hanseatic League by gaining prestige points. This may be done in different ways including establishing a network of Offices in new cities or improving trading skills. Players accomplish various activities during their turns. Traders and merchants (collectively “resources”) may be inserted on the game board, moved, or even used to displace...
348.50 Ko - In English 526.29 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/03/75/61-hansa-teutonica-emperors-favour-regle.pdf
Grâce au commerce incessant et à son expansion rapide, les marchands de la Ligue. Les Hanséatiques ont gagné de plus en plus de pouvoir et d'influence politique. Avec le paiement de de grosses sommes d'argent, ils ont acheté directement des permis et privilèges spéciaux à l'empereur. Ainsi, ils n'étaient légalement soumis qu'à l'empereur et n'avaient pas à payer autres taxes aux nobles locaux.
166.63 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/88/db/f5-hansa-teutonica-east-rulebook.pdf
You can use this expansion only in combination with the game board of the Hansa Teutonica basic game. Shuffl e these nine cards, and then deal one card face down to each player. The players look at their card but must keep it secret from the other players until the end of the game. Any remaining cards are not used in this game; put them back in the game box.
1.05 Mo - In English 187.04 Ko - In French