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258 / 394 - 4,727 results

Glücksfee Règle Multilingue


Chaque joueur prend une fée. Formez une rangée avec vos fées posées les unes à côté des autres. Placez la boîte à env. 30 cm des fées. Les fées restantes sont mises de côté. Préparez les trois bâtonnets enchantés argentés.

1.75 Mo - In German 1.75 Mo - In English 1.75 Mo - In Spanish 1.75 Mo - In French 1.75 Mo - In Italian 1.75 Mo - In Dutch

Glow Rulebook


I’m Pocana and I am one of the seven adventurers, trained by the previous seven adventurers to master the power of the elements, themselves trained before that ... for hundreds and hundreds of years, in an unchanging cycle. I am writing this journal in the hope of helping future generations when the time comes. For me, it’s now, and even though I’ve been prepared for it all my life, I feel helpless.

3.01 Mo - In English 2.96 Mo - In French

Glory: Un Jeu de Chevaliers Règle


Qui n’ a jamais rêvé d’ être chevalier ? Une armure rutilante, un  er destrier, une lance de tournoi, et les vivats de la foule… c’ est cette histoire que nous vous racontons. Glory vous propose d’ incarner un preux chevalier, livrant d’ épiques duels pour se couvrir de gloire et gagner les faveurs des dames de la cour. Mais de redoutables obstacles se dressent entre vous et la victoire.

17.39 Mo - In French

Glory to Rome Rulebook


64 AD: Rome is in turmoil – the city has been devastated by fire. Emperor Nero is racing back from Antium to start rebuilding Structures lost to the flames. Caesar expects your aid in his historic effort to restore Glory To Rome.

3.09 Mo - In English 2.27 Mo - In French

Gloomy Graves Rulebook


In GLOOMY GRAVES, you work as a gravedigger in different areas of the graveyard, CAN YOU BURY THE COMPETITION? in a dark fantasy world where epic battles rage continuously. The corpses of pixies, goblins, unicorns, so you’ve got your work cut out for you… Keep the place organized, as you bury corpses or it’s your own grave you’ll be digging!

2.34 Mo - In English

Gloom Rulebook


The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesheating mice — just when it seems like things can’t get any worse, they do.

115.17 Ko - In English 79.83 Ko - In French

Gloomhaven Solo Scenario Book


Note that these scenarios have no scenario numbers or stickers to go on the campaign map.

2.85 Mo - In English

Gloomhaven Rulebook


Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of battling monsters and advancing a player’s own individual goals.

12.55 Mo - In English 13.50 Mo - In French

Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion Rulebook


Welcome to Gloomhaven! This game is fully cooperative, with players working together to navigate their way through a campaign of scenarios. You will not play it all in one sitting, but it can easily be saved at the end of any single scenario.

7.24 Mo - In English

Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles Rulebook


The most important part of this expansion is the Aesther Diviner, contained within the character tuck boxes. She is immediately unlocked for use in any normal Gloomhaven campaign. Add the appropriate City and Road Event cards included in the box for unlocking her to their respective decks now. Players also have the option, if they have completed scenario #51, to delve into the new campaign presented...

2.10 Mo - In English

Gloom 2.0 Rulebook


The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesh-eating mice — just when it seems things can’t get any worse, they do.

392.73 Ko - In English

Gloobz Rulebook


Each Gloobz has a shape and a color. The shapes are symbolized by the three Gloobz figurines and the colors by the three paint pots. On each player’s turn, a card showing Gloobz is turned over. If the current player shouts ‘More Gloobz’!

1.43 Mo - In English 2.05 Mo - In French

258 / 394 - 4,727 results