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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/68/42/af-unlock-mythic-adventures-rulebook.pdf
IMPORTANT: Do not look through the card decks before starting to play. SOLUTION BOOKLET: Do not read unless you are stuck in the adventure.
10.25 Mo - In English 10.29 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/b4/12/aa-unlock-mystery-adventures-rulebook.pdf
In order to learn how to play the game, it is recommended that the Tutorial adventure is played first, as it will walk you through the rules. The tutorial can even be played before reading this rulebook. Just follow the setup instructions as indicated below.
3.89 Mo - In English 3.42 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/0a/2e/69-unlock-legendary-adventures-regle.pdf
Il est conseillé, pour vous familiariser avec le jeu, de commencer par le Tutoriel qui vous explique les règles. Vous pouvez jouer ce Tutoriel avant de lire les règles du jeu. Suivez simplement la mise en place indiquée ci-dessous.
11.30 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/e6/de/cf-unlock-kids-regle.pdf
Unlock! Kids est la version pour les enfants du jeu Unlock!. Vivez trois histoires formidables, résolvez les énigmes, combinez les objets et allez au bout des aventures en trouvant un maximum d’étoiles ! S’il s’agit de votre première partie, découvrez les règles du jeu en jouant le Tutoriel. Pour cela, munissez-vous du paquet de cartes Tutoriel et lisez la première carte afin d’entamer la partie d’initiation....
11.61 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/34/7d/1a-unlock-heroic-adventures-rulebook.pdf
The first room of the game is on the back of the start card. In this room, there are numbers and letters that match cards in the deck (the numbers and letters that are written on the back of the cards). Each time players see a number or a letter on the room card or any other card, they must take the matching card from the deck and reveal it.
16.33 Mo - In English 5.75 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/f8/b8/56-unlock-game-adventures-regle.pdf
Il est conseillé, pour vous familiariser avec le jeu, de commencer par le Tutoriel qui vous explique les règles. Vous pouvez jouer ce Tutoriel avant de lire les règles du jeu. Suivez simplement la mise en place indiquée ci-dessous.
10.99 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/68/12/82-unlock-extraordinary-adventures-regle.pdf
Il est conseillé, pour vous familiariser avec le jeu, de commencer par le Tutoriel qui vous explique les règles. Vous pouvez jouer ce Tutoriel avant de lire les règles du jeu. Suivez simplement la mise en place indiquée ci-dessous. La carte de départ avec le titre de l’aventure est placée au centre de la table, texte visible.
6.74 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/eb/a0/2c-unlock-exotic-adventures-rulebook.pdf
The first room of the game is on the back of the start card. In this room, there are numbers and letters that match cards in the deck (the numbers and letters that are written on the back of the cards). Each time players see a number or a letter on the room card or any other card, they must take the matching card from the deck and reveal it (flip it over to see the other side).
10.74 Mo - In English 7.14 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/fd/8f/7a-unlock-escape-adventures-rulebook.pdf
The first room of the game is on the back of the start card. In this room, there are numbers and letters that match cards in the deck (the numbers and letters that are written on the back of the cards). Each time players see a number or a letter on the room card or any other card, they must take the matching card from the deck and reveal it (flip it over to see the other side).
9.36 Mo - In English 7.04 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/02/52/c4-unlock-epic-adventures-rulebook.pdf
In order to learn how to play the game, it is recommended you play the Tutorial adventure first, as it will walk you through the rules. The tutorial can be played before reading this rulebook. Just follow the setup instructions as indicated below.
7.47 Mo - In English 2.71 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/2d/80/e5-unita-regle-multilingue.pdf
Helvétia, avant de devenir un pays, appartenait selon les régions aux Empires voisins. Mais, la volonté d’indépendance, le désir d’autonomie et l’esprit des Helvètes les poussèrent à se séparer des Grands de ce monde. Ceci ne s’est pas fait sans heurts, et les Grands tentèrent par tous les moyens de retenir ces rebelles indisciplinés.
3.38 Mo - In German 3.38 Mo - In English 3.38 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/c0/2d/81-unicorn-fever-rulebook.pdf
Everyone in the Magical Realm knows there’s a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow. Many in the human world dismiss this undeniable truth as legend and folklore, but unbeknownst to non-magical beings, it is also true that whenever a rainbow appears, all of the unicorns nearby will cease whatever activity they were doing before and will start to race on the rainbow, unable to resist the urge to dive...
7.43 Mo - In English 5.83 Mo - In French