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388 / 394 - 4,727 results

A Dos de Chameau ! Règle


Pas à pas, la caravane avance lentement à travers le désert. Le soleil est brûlant et tous scrutent les environs à la recherche d’une oasis. Une silhouette verte n’est-elle pas en vue ? Ah, non, c’est encore un mirage !

3.42 Mo - In German 3.42 Mo - In English 3.42 Mo - In Spanish 3.42 Mo - In French 3.42 Mo - In Italian 3.42 Mo - In Dutch

A Dos d'Âne Règle


« Hi han, l'âne de bât est là ! ». Il patiente, prêt à partir, mais avant le départ, il faut d'abord charger les bagages sur son dos ! Le but du jeu est de poser en premier ses bâtonnets sur le dos de l'âne, sans rien faire tomber.

682.06 Ko - In German 682.06 Ko - In English 682.06 Ko - In Spanish 682.06 Ko - In French 682.06 Ko - In Italian 682.06 Ko - In Dutch

Ad Astra Rulebook


In the far future, Homo Sapiens has slowly adapted to life beyond our planet. The solar system has been colonized for centuries now, and over time humans have adapted and changed, effectively evolving into fi ve different races, suited for life in different planetary environments.

1.97 Mo - In English 1.96 Mo - In French

Acrobatino Règle


Philippe est incontestablement le meilleur acrobate du moment. Souple comme un pantin, il réussit des mouvements incroyables. Son ami, le singe Bo, en est ravi ! Etes-vous aussi souple que Philippe ? Dans le jeu, on retourne toujours deux cartes de mouvement qui indiquent quelles parties du corps il faut faire toucher pour réussir le mouvement. Faites de votre mieux, sinon Bo dérobera la banane juste...

635.07 Ko - In German 635.07 Ko - In English 635.07 Ko - In Spanish 635.07 Ko - In French 635.07 Ko - In Italian 635.07 Ko - In Dutch

A Column of Fire Rulebook


England, 1558. The venerable Kingsbridge Cathedral watches over a city torn by religious hatred. Half of Europe is deeply divided by conflict between Catholics and Protestants. England, France, Spain, and the Netherlands are all vying for power and resources.

6.35 Mo - In English 4.43 Mo - In French

A Chacun son Butin ! Règle


Le capitaine Jambe de bois et ses matelots ont fait une prise sensationnelle. Il s’agit maintenant de partager le butin selon la vraie tradition des pirates. Gare à celui qui se trompe, car Coco le perroquet est aux aguets. Il donne l’alerte immédiatement ce qui provoque une vraie émeute !

3.24 Mo - In German 3.24 Mo - In English 3.24 Mo - In Spanish 3.24 Mo - In French 3.24 Mo - In Italian

A Castle for All Seasons Rulebook


You are builders who always need sufficient resources and money. To this end, you have character cards at your disposal whose way of use determines the order of play anew each round. You constantly have to be careful that your opponents don't benefit from your actions more than you do.

1.62 Mo - In English 2.05 Mo - In French

Abyss Rulebook


To be crowned King of Abyss you must have the most Influence Points (“IP”) at the end of the game. Influence Points are mainly gained by affiliating Allies, recruiting Lords, and controlling Locations. Also, each Monster you slay during the game will earn you the gratitude of your peers—and an Influence Point bonus.

8.66 Mo - In English 8.90 Mo - In French

Abyss Kraken Rulebook


In the deepest reaches of the kingdom of Abyss, the guild of Smugglers has taken up residence at the heart of a cemetery of gigantic sea creatures. Hidden among these terrible skeletons and with the support of the Kraken, they are trafficking in NEBULIS.

906.82 Ko - In English 907.56 Ko - In French

Abyss Guide Stratégique


S’emparer du pouvoir d’Abyss s’apparente à une course. En effet, le premier à obtenir sept seigneurs met fin à la partie. Or, même si le joueur qui provoque la fin n’est pas forcément le gagnant, 100 % de ceux qui n’ont pas eu le temps de développer suffisamment leur jeu sont battus.

2.11 Mo - In French

Abra Kazam! Rulebook


ABRA KAZAM is a game for 3 to 8 players that is played standing up. The two decks of cards (big and small) represent the same spells. The goal is to guess and to make others guess as many cards as possible.

2.58 Mo - In English 2.13 Mo - In French

Above and Below Rulebook


Give each player a player board, seven coins, 1 starting house card, and 1 of each type of starting villager (3 villagers total for each player). The starting villagers have a house on the back of the token. The 3 villagers should have the symbols depicted at “1A” (opposite page), and start in the large grass area furthest to the left on the player board--the “ready area”.

1.55 Mo - In English 2.16 Mo - In French

388 / 394 - 4,727 results