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pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/62/76/b4-smash-up-cthulhu-fhtagn-rulebook.pdf
Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!
2.64 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/0c/b6/ec-smash-up-cease-and-desist-rulebook.pdf
Cease and Desist is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the other sets, just think of it as viral advertising.
763.89 Ko - In English 6.38 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/05/66/f7-smash-up-big-in-japan-rulebook.pdf
Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!
1.51 Mo - In English 20.20 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/59/08/59-smash-up-awesome-level-9000-rulebook.pdf
Awesome Level 9000 is an expansion to the Smash Up core set. It is still a fully operational battle station for 2 players though! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just four factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion. If you don’t already have the core set, just think of it as viral advertising.
2.32 Mo - In Englishpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/3a/aa/9f-smart-10-rulebook.pdf
Consecutively try to find the correct answers to one question. If you get it right, you score. But if you don’t save your points in time, you might as well lose them again. When someone scores at least 30 points first, the game ends and the player with most points wins.
1.92 Mo - In English 466.26 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/68/07/03-small-world-underground-rulebook.pdf
4 Maps of Small World Underground, contained on two double-sided boards, one for each of the four possible player configurations.
5.11 Mo - In English 4.48 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/ac/df/7c-small-world-tunnels-regle.pdf
Une mini-extension pour 2 à 6 joueurs reliant Small World à Small World Underground !
1.14 Mo - In German 1.14 Mo - In English 1.14 Mo - In Spanish 1.14 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/3a/79/69-small-world-sky-islands-rulebook.pdf
It was a lovely spring morning; birds were singing, flowers were blooming, giants were getting new tattoos, and the rest of the Small World inhabitants were preparing for another day of conquest. An eerie silence settled on the land as a huge shadow glided over forest and mountain. Had the Wizards accidentally given their flocks of sheep flight again?
1.53 Mo - In English 1.54 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/7f/bf/e3-small-world-rulebook.pdf
If this is the first time you play, punch out all the pieces from the game's punchboards. Sort them and place them in the wells designed for each type of piece. Some types fit in the removable storage tray that came with your game.
2.95 Mo - In English 2.96 Mo - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/2a/54/89-small-world-river-world-regle.pdf
2 plateaux de jeu réversibles, soit 4 mondes de River World différents, correspondant chacun à un nombre de joueurs.
1.17 Mo - In German 1.17 Mo - In English 1.17 Mo - In Spanish 1.17 Mo - In French 1.17 Mo - In Italian 1.17 Mo - In Japanese 1.17 Mo - In Dutch 1.17 Mo - In Russianpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/17/60/74-small-world-realms-regle.pdf
Les hexagones de terrain, Montagnes, Gouffres et Pics de cette extension peuvent être assemblés de bien des façons pour former une multitude de plateaux différents.
860.42 Ko - In Frenchpdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/bf/28/c6-small-world-power-pack-2-regle.pdf
À partir du moment où les Dames Blanches sont en déclin, les régions qu’elles occupent deviennent imprenables et immunisées aux capacités spécifiques et aux Pouvoirs Spéciaux des Peuples adverses !
1.97 Mo - In French