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171 / 394 - 4,727 results

Kitchen Rush Rulebook


You have just inherited an old gargote that you want to turn into one of the hippest restaurants in the city. To start your business, you hire staff and fill in fresh produce. The success of your restaurant will depend entirely on your organization and your culinary skills!

3.20 Mo - In English 3.37 Mo - In French

Kitty Bitty Rulebook


Whether it's published under the name Froggy Boogie or Kitty Bitty or under another name, the set and gameplay of the game remain the same: it's nap time, but the baby creatures just want to play. Your job is to make this happen, by helping animals move around without being seen by adults. Players must remember which adults are looking in which direction in order to avoid their looks and keep moving!

328.22 Ko - In English 354.91 Ko - In French

Kitty Paw Rulebook


What happens when seven cats run into cardboard boxes? Well, a crazy game of hide-and-seek! Game Components 28 Kitty tiles (4 each of 7 kitty types): showing “cat back” on one side and “cat belly” on the other.

3.99 Mo - In English 512.90 Ko - In French

Kiwara Rulebook


Kiwara - The Savanna in Swahili. A seemingly quiet, charming landscape, but in which two rival groups of wild animals are engaged in a merciless battle to conquer the most desirable territories.

13.48 Mo - In English 13.47 Mo - In French

Klask Rulebook


Game on! Players hit the orange ball around the field by moving their strikers using the steering magnets under the game board. Players are free to move at all times and there is no order of turn. The aim is to score points by shooting the orange ball into the ‘goal’ at your opponent’s side of the board.

125.63 Ko - In English 1.89 Mo - In French

Klimato Règle Multilingue


Merci d’avoir acheté ce jeu. Subverti est un jeune studio indépendant et engagé qui n’existerait pas sans votre précieux soutien. Une mention particulière à Justine, Théo, Maxime, Marion, Aodren et à ma famille. Un grand merci aux 564 participant·e·s de la campagne Ulule, au MALT, à MAD, à Ludo Fact, à Kropotkine et à toutes celles et ceux qui ont participé de près ou de loin à la création de Klimato.

552.53 Ko - In English 552.53 Ko - In French

Knight Feuille Personnage


Knight Feuille Personnage.

139.21 Ko - In French

Knight Feuille Personnage Bleu


Knight Feuille Personnage Bleu.

117.22 Ko - In French

Knight Kit d'Initiation


C’est arrivé en 2034. L’Anathème a frappé violemment le monde et ses ténèbres ont envahi des régions entières, noyant des villes, des pays et même des continents… De l’obscurité ont jailli des atrocités qui ont enlevé des innocents, assassiné des familles entières et propagé l’Horreur. Par l’Horreur, le désespoir a étreint l’Humanité et, peu à peu, le monde a perdu ses couleurs, presque tous ses artistes...

6.43 Mo - In French

Knit Wit Rulebook


Each game is divided up into 3 steps: Knit, Answer, and Score. During the Knit step, you’ll place loops, word tags, and spools to create a design. During the Answer step, you’ll try to come up with one answer for each spool in the design.

481.37 Ko - In English 1.14 Mo - In French

Knock ! Knock ! Dungeon ! Rulebook


Keeps become more and more difficult. Start with the first before tackling those after. Don’t panic: the more you play, the more experience you will have of the game. Talk to one another as much as possible, as long as you’re allowed! It’s vital you work together in these Keeps. Fight 1 creature after another wherever possible. The fight will be easier!

950.61 Ko - In English 957.73 Ko - In French

Kobayakawa Rulebook


During the Japanese Middle Ages, the samurai clans, including yours, fight for domination of the archipelago's lands. But be careful, being strongest is not always enough because the alliances of the powerful Kobayakawa clan change like the wind, giving victory to the weaker. Will you have anything to stop them?

237.27 Ko - In English 253.65 Ko - In French

171 / 394 - 4,727 results