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288 / 394 - 4,727 results

Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition Rulebook


As the invention of Jumpdrive spreads through the galaxy, new factions arise. Charismatic leaders and entrepreneurs vie to complete objectives and recruit the best minds. Can you expand your faction into the most successful galactic empire?

384.54 Ko - In English 963.95 Ko - In French

Roll for the Galaxy Rulebook


Roll for the Galaxy is a dice game of building space empires for 2-5 players. Your dice represent workers who develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. The player who best manages his workers and builds the most prosperous empire wins!

1.06 Mo - In English 3.55 Mo - In French

Rolling Bandits Règle Multilingue


En selle ! Il est temps de former votre gang et de foncer piller le train à l’approche. Mais attention, vous n’êtes pas le seul gang de Bandits du coin ! Lancez vos dés, entrez dans le train et pillez le plus de richesses possibles pour remporter la partie !

3.13 Mo - In German 3.13 Mo - In English 3.13 Mo - In Spanish 3.13 Mo - In French 3.13 Mo - In Italian 3.13 Mo - In Dutch 3.13 Mo - In Portuguese 3.13 Mo - In Russian

Rolling Realms Rulebook


In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, a time of self-isolation for many people, I created an infinitely scaling roll-and-write game to teach and play with people around the world via Facebook Live. Each of the “realms” in Rolling Realms draws inspiration from a key element of another Stonemaier game. While publishing the game wasn’t our intention, enough people asked us to make a physical...

11.89 Mo - In English 85.65 Ko - In French

Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars Rulebook


A second wave of monsters has arrived on the horizon! Enemy minions flood the countryside with pesky fiends in tow. To bolster his forces against this new menace, King Taron has ordered mythical creatures to serve as familiars to the King’s Guard. With these companions by their side, the heroes of Nalos must stem the tide of the Dragul Invasion.

1.78 Mo - In English

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions Rulebook


A call to arms! An abomination is terrorizing villages throughout the kingdom, leaving behind a path of death and destruction. The king has summoned all able-bodied adventurers to return to the capital and organize a plan to rid the kingdom of this menace.

1.13 Mo - In English 1,001.58 Ko - In French

Roll Player Rulebook


Mighty heroes don’t just appear out of thin air – they must be created! Race, class, alignment, skills, traits, and equipment are all elements of the perfect hero, ready to take on the opposition in the quest for glory and riches. In Roll Player, you compete with your opponents to create the greatest fantasy adventurer who has ever lived, preparing to embark on an epic quest.

499.85 Ko - In English 1.75 Mo - In French

Roman Poker Rulebook


Dice games were extremely popular in Ancient Rome. Everybody played them—from slaves to the Emperor. They were viewed as “immoral” and often banned, but that did not deter most Romans! The sound of rolling dice was heard in tavern back rooms and Senator’s atriums. But anyone caught by the custodians of good morals had to pay four times their wager—as penance to the gods!

382.43 Ko - In English 726.31 Ko - In French

Romans Go Home! Rulebook


Emperor Hadrian has ordered the construction of a massive, fortified wall to defend the northern border of the Roman Empire from the fearsome Caledonians (the ancient Scots).

458.47 Ko - In English 463.65 Ko - In French

Roma Rulebook


First the play area is set up. The 6 dice discs are laid in ascending order in a row between the two players. The “money” and “cards” discs are laid at either end. The players each receive 10 victory points and the 3 action dice in the colour of their choice. The money, the remaining 16 victory points and the battle die are laid ready.

947.02 Ko - In English 499.50 Ko - In French

Roméo & Juliette Règle


Dans Roméo & Juliette vous allez devoir faire triompher l'Amour ! Incarnez Roméo et Juliette qui doivent se retrouver dans les différents lieux de Vérone afin de faire progresser leur amour. Mais attention à vos familles, prêtes à tout pour vous intercepter à attiser la Haine entre vous ! Si vous parvenez au bout de la piste d'Amour, vous gagnez la partie. En revanche si la jauge de Haine atteint...

2.29 Mo - In French

Rome & Roll Rulebook


Ancient Rome: A great city that was almost completely destroyed by a great fire in 64 AD. Each player takes on the role of an influential figure in the recovering city, attempting to rebuild the city, reinforce the empire’s presence in the surrounding regions, and increase their own influence.

1.67 Mo - In English 3.11 Mo - In French

288 / 394 - 4,727 results