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292 / 394 - 4,727 results

Russian Railroads Rulebook


Due to the complex nature of the game, we will begin by explaining its core concepts. After which, we will explain the game step by step. So don’t panic if you feel as though something has not been explained… it’s all in here and it will all make sense very soon. After all, Russia wasn’t built in a day.

10.63 Mo - In English 12.67 Mo - In French

Rythme and Boulet Replay Règle


Mélangez séparément les cartes « Signe » et les cartes « Boulet », puis posez chacune des deux piles sur la table. Distribuez une carte « Signe » à chacun des joueurs qu’ils posent face visible devant eux. Prenez tous un moment pour découvrir quels signes sont en jeu et les répéter.

1.14 Mo - In French

Rythme and Boulet Rulebook


String signs together (made with your hands) to a rhythm made by all the players without making a mistake. Any mistakes are punished with a « Ball » card. At the end of the game, the player with the most is the loser.

68.96 Ko - In English 1.57 Mo - In French

Sabbat Magica Rulebook


Definition of Sabbat: The sabbat is a nocturnal meeting of witches and wizards, who fly through the air on their broomsticks or arrive by goat on a Saturday night. The place where the sabbat is held is selected for its sinister nature. It is often surrounded by marshes, stagnant and pestilential swamps.

2.12 Mo - In English 2.25 Mo - In French

Sabordage Règle


Le célèbre pirate Barbe Noire va bientôt rendre son dernier souffle. Il vous a fait demander pour vous confier son ultime secret : l’emplacement de son formidable trésor ! Oui, mais ce vieux filou vous a joué un dernier tour. Il l’a également révélé aux plus fameux pirates de toutes les mers.

7.03 Mo - In French

Saboteur: Les Mineurs Contre-Attaquent ! Règle


Chacun joue soit le rôle d’un Chercheur d’or, soit le rôle d’un Saboteur qui entrave la prospection. Mais personne ne connaît le rôle des autres joueurs !

500.45 Ko - In French

Saboteur Rulebook


Nothing makes the heart of a dwarf race quite like a nice shiny gold nugget. As one of these intrepid folk, you naturally want to collect as much of the yellow stuff as you can. But are you a gold digger… or a saboteur?

276.54 Ko - In English 450.95 Ko - In French

Saboteur: The Dark Cave Rulebook


Just as you get your hands on the gold, the earth starts to shake. The cave’s roof is falling in and water starts pouring through the cracks. There’s only one thing to do: find an exit, quickly! But suddenly, it starts dawning on you that not all the dwarves in the clan are loyal to each other. Some of them may even work for another clan! Save the gold! Otherwise, all will be lost…

890.25 Ko - In English 693.90 Ko - In French

Saboteur: The Duel Rulebook


Path cards form routes to the gold cards. A player must play a card next to another path card already on the table. All the sides must fit with the existing tunnel(s). You may not lay a card horizontally.

127.53 Ko - In English 506.24 Ko - In French

Saboteur: The Lost Mines Rulebook


After you have played or discarded cards, you may move your dwarf up to 3 cards. You can only move your dwarf along existing pathways. Example: After she has played a card, the player moves her blue dwarf 3 cards along the path.

2.31 Mo - In English 1.17 Mo - In French

Saga des Tomes du Royaume de l'Ouest Errata


Installez Architectes/Paladins/Vicomtes comme décrit dans le livre de règles du jeu de base avec ces quelques changements : Grand impact sur le jeu Paragraphe 2 de la page 13 : Pas d’impact sur le jeu 8. Mélangez les cartes Événement et créez une pile face cachée près des cartes Demande du Seigneur. Le nombre de cartes de cette pile dépend du niveau de difficulté (4 ou 6 cartes). Placez le nombre...

769.64 Ko - In French

Sagani Rulebook


Welcome to SAGANI where achieving harmony between the natural elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire is the central goal of the spirits that populate this world. These spirits spend most of their time in their vessel-like dwellings. But when the elements are put in balance, the spirits emerge from their vessels and show themselves in their full form.

2.58 Mo - In English 3.54 Mo - In French

292 / 394 - 4,727 results