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368 / 394 - 4,727 results

Undaunted: North Africa Rulebook


It’s the summer of 1940 and the North African Campaign has begun. The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a reconnaissance and covert operations unit of the British Army, has just been formed, tasked with penetrating enemy lines to provide intel and stage raids. Lead these brave soldiers in a series of daring missions, or command the Royal Italian Army’s formidable forces to stamp out these incursions...

2.09 Mo - In English

Undercover Turbo Duckies Règle


L'espace intersidéral regorge de malfrats de toute sorte. Des bandes règnent sur certains systèmes en toute impunité, et partout, des criminels endurcis sont en liberté et commettent tout un tas de méfaits. Et franchement, c'est pas super cool. Mais tout cela est sur le point de changer, grâce à vous, les nouveaux Turbo Duckies, une prestigieuse équipe de chasseurs de primes intergalactique ! Traversez...

14.30 Mo - In French

Under Falling Skies Rulebook


We don't know what they are. We don't know where they came from. We don't know why they are attacking. All we know is that they're here, we must find a way to stop them, and time is running out. Under Falling Skies is a solo game of dice management and tough decisions. To win, you will need to defend your city and complete your research before the alien mothership destroys your base.

4.74 Mo - In English 5.37 Mo - In French

Underwater Cities Rulebook


The earth is overpopulated. The colonization of Mars is always four decades away. Only one avenue is open for human expansion: the world under the sea. Players compete to build the best underwater nation – an archipelago of undersea cities connected by a network of transportation tunnels.

4.57 Mo - In English 2.47 Mo - In French

Unearth Rulebook


Your five dice represent your tribe of Delvers. Every turn you’ll choose one die to roll on a specific Ruin. Your Delver cards can be played before this roll to enhance your efforts.

2.67 Mo - In English

Une Nounou en Fer Règle


Les tuiles oranges sont des tuiles bonus. Leur bonus s’applique uniquement au joueur dont c’ est le tour et qui s’arrête sur cette tuile. Il applique alors immédiatement l’ effet de ce bonus et reprend ensuite son tour normalement.

684.62 Ko - In French

Une Saison au Zoo: Le Jeu du Soigneur Règle


Chaque joueur choisit un pion (à monter en mettant le personnage en carton sur son socle) et le place au niveau de l’Entrée. Place les cartes EMPREINTES, CHANCE et ENCLOS dans les emplacements prévus à cet effet, dans la boîte. Les cartes MISSIONS sont posées à plat, à côté du plateau.

235.67 Ko - In French

Unexpected Treasures Rulebook


Players set out on a mission to collect old furniture from a bulky waste collection site and to turn a profit by selling their recovered goods to paying customers. It's first come, first served, but players are only able to take a few items home at a time. And they have to be wary of thieves, who are out on the prowl just waiting to steal the collected goods from the players' homes.

466.13 Ko - In English

Unfathomable Rulebook


The year is 1913. You are the passengers and crew aboard the steamship SS Atlantica, a small passenger ship operated by Fairmont Shipping Co. that is traveling across the Atlantic Ocean en route to Boston, Massachusetts. During the first days of the voyage, there are rumors that the lookouts have spotted large, dark shapes in the water following behind the ship. Some of the ship’s occupants have been...

13.52 Mo - In English

Unfold: Dark Story Rulebook


Read the texts in consecutive order starting with page 02. All elements needed to solve the puzzle are on the spread in front of you. All answers to the puzzles are numerical codes. They may contain 3 or 4 digits or sometimes even a percentage.

436.95 Ko - In English 207.04 Ko - In French

Unfold Kids. Kid's Quest: Mission Cookies Rulebook


This is a tabletop quest in the form of two small fold-out envelopes. DO NOT UNFOLD THEM IMMEDIATELY! First carefully read the rules (here and on the inside of the cover), then start reading the story page by page. Do not open new pages unless you are instructed to do so. Usually, you’ll need to solve a puzzle in order to turn over a page. In these cases, NEVER open the next page or read on until...

279.84 Ko - In English 215.62 Ko - In French

Unicorn Fever Rulebook


Everyone in the Magical Realm knows there’s a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow. Many in the human world dismiss this undeniable truth as legend and folklore, but unbeknownst to non-magical beings, it is also true that whenever a rainbow appears, all of the unicorns nearby will cease whatever activity they were doing before and will start to race on the rainbow, unable to resist the urge to dive...

7.43 Mo - In English 5.83 Mo - In French

368 / 394 - 4,727 results