Download the rule for Katamino: Pocket or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available.
Un Pentamino est une figure formée de 5 carrés juxtaposés ayant au moins un côté commun. Chacun des 12 Pentaminos couvre donc exactement 5 cases du plateau.
446.80 Ko - In Frenchpdf
In Katamino the term PENTA refers to a group of Pentaminos which completely covers the space defined by the slider on the game board. For example, a PENTA 4 indicates a challenge for which the slider is placed between numbers 4 and 5 of the game board: 4 Pentaminos must be arranged together to cover the four lines of the game board.
3.00 Mo - In Englishpdf
Les objectifs principaux de cette activité sont de travailler la géométrie dans l’espace et la logique.
706.35 Ko - In French