A Princess to save? Once upon a time, a Princess and a Knight had to find their way to each other... This could be the beginning of a beautiful story? So to start it off right, let's first try to get the main characters together! To do this, you will choose a challenge and use only the pieces requested to allow one to join the other. But you have to make sure that the path in question is passable and safe! Combine the direction of the pieces and their shapes to create stairs or bridges that your hero can walk on. After all, no matter how good a hero he is, he can't climb or jump! And don't forget that in the end they have to live happily ever after and have lots of children!
#Medieval #Deduction #Placement #PuzzleContents of the box : 1 set of rules, 1 booklet with challenges and solutions, 1 wooden game base, 4 towers, 3 stairs, 1 bridge and 2 characters.