Remember, however, that you will need the exact number of chips to produce your pieces, no more and no less, if you want to satisfy your customers. With each achievement you honour the masters of the Venetian Island who will offer you the secret of their techniques. In your turn, turn the selector clockwise and collect your shards, then carefully choose your trading action: trading, selling or buying glass shards at the market. Don't forget that you can change the order of your creation cards and optimise your game by rotating the ring...
Then if you have the necessary shards on your work surface you can complete one or even two masterpieces. The clever use of the advantage cards will help you but remember that the competition is tough on these islands and you will have to keep an eye on your opponents' actions.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 Central Board, 1 Front/Back Ring, 4 individual boards, 46 Glass Shards, 24 Artwork cards, 16 Advantage cards, 4 Category tiles, 65 Play tokens, 1 First Player marker, 4 Game Aid cards.