XOBrainer is an advanced type of quintuple game that can be played by two people or two teams. The aim of the game is to get quintuplets of shape (X or Bone) or colour (green or red), using both your pieces and those of your opponents. One team has 24 green Xs and 8 pink Xs, while the other team has the opposite: 24 pink O's and 8 green O's. Each team places four of their pieces in the line-up area: three of their main colour and one of the opponent's colour. Each team then takes turns to play the pieces in their line-up area in numbered order (1-4); when the line-up area is empty, the team fills it as before.
If you manage to line up five pieces, you earn points according to the location of the row on the board. In each square there are dots, like on a dice, which indicate how many points you score on that square. When a team reaches 20 points, they win a round. The game is won when a team has won three sets. A team can also win instantly by building a quintuplet that passes through one of the four "knock out" squares on the board. Only pieces that both teams can benefit from - the pink X's and the green Bones - can be played in a knock out square.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for XOBrainer or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 1 rule book, 2 cloth bags for storing the pieces, 25 game cards, 2 dot markers, 2 handle markers, 32 cross chips, 32 round chips.