Let's hurry up. Game of observation and speed for 3 to 8 pirates moving around the table (but not necessarily). You play as one of the famous pirates of SANTY ANNO -Hisse Hey Oh-, the famous three-masted end as a bird. After a night of festivities and rum, you forgot where the boat was and, worst of all, who was the captain! To solve this problem, which is quite common in the life of the buccaneers, the pirate community has established a tradition: the first three arrived will be captain and lieutenants respectively. Latecomers will be demoted and foiled to brick the bridge!
At the beginning of the game, the eight boats are displayed on the table, with a chair in front of each boat. At each turn, a series of movement cards are returned. All pirates participate at the same time and must try to sit as quickly as possible in front of the boat that has been determined by these cards. The top 5 players sitting in front of their arrival boat will win ducats. The first to arrive wins 5 ducats, the second 4 and so on. It's not enough to be in the right place, you have to be among the first!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Santy Anno or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 58 cards (37 Initiation, 15 Expert, 6 Event), Pirate pieces (values from 1 to 5), 1 game rule, 8 ships, 8 Pirate tiles, 8 portholes, 8 Pirate frames, 1 port.