For wooden pieces, the bottle is green, the ghost is white, the armchair is red, the book is blue and the mouse is grey! But on the cards, all these colours are mixed... There are 2 objects on each card, and as soon as one of them is turned over, it's a question of being the fastest to catch the right object: if the card shows an object of the right colour, you must quickly catch it; but if the 2 objects shown are not of the right colour, then you must quickly catch the object which has nothing in common with the card: neither the object nor the colour! Simple? Not so sure... Funny and hectic? Definitely!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 5 wooden pieces (ghost, armchair, bottle, book and mouse), 60 cards each representing 2 of these objects, 1 game rule.