As its name suggests, Zik is a song game beautifully illustrated by six talented artists. Alone or in teams, the goal is to make players guess hits by singing with onomatopoeia. 8 song titles are offered to the player at each round of the game, he chooses one and tries to make the others guess it. The first player to recognize the title or the performer wins a card, as does the player who made the guess.
The more the game progresses, the more the difficulty increases: start with 1 onomatopoeia, then 2, then 3 and 4. For example, for "Emmenez moi de Charles Aznavour", sing: "Tssi-Poum-Tchak-Tuut-Tssi Poum-Tchak-Tuut-Tssi"... for the lyrics "Em-me-nez-moi-au-bout-de-la-terre". Ridiculousness does not kill... so let's take advantage of it because with Zik : the atmosphere is guaranteed !
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 54 cards with 12 different illustrations each representing an onomatopoeia, 1 rule of the game.