An atmospheric game for the whole family, from seven years old. The game starts when each participant has put a pledge in the safe. At the end of the game, only the winner will be spared; all the others will have a pledge to make. Each player puts a pawn of his choice in the safe and the game begins. The first to reach the chest will distribute the pledges to the losers. To do this, you must complete as many of the 8 tasks in the game as possible (mimes, drawings, challenges, numbers, words, actions, riddles and quizzes). Each task has two levels - 12 and over 12 years. May the best player win!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board with 42 squares, 6 counters of different colours, 224 test cards (Challenge, Mime, Drawing, Riddle, Word, Quiz, Number and Action), 40 "Cream Pass" cards, 16 "Good Winner" cards, 1 money box, 2 dice, 1 30-second timer, 1 game rule.