You play with your gang of friends. Find there an important choice of board games, figurines, etc
Samuel Xavier, a rather angry young man, has been forced to go to a drug rehabilitation centre. Now suffering from withdrawal pains in the form of excruciating migraines, he is even angrier than he has ever been. In this new expansion, you must deal...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2020
The space is vast, dark, and not a friendly environment. Gamma rays and neutrinos gush from dying stars to burn you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the vacuum itself boils your blood and freezes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €59.38
Let yourself be drawn into the world of Conan the Barbarian where heroes draw their blood-stained swords against terrible sorcerers. Exotic lands attract the boldest, forgotten ruins conceal fantastic treasures and terrible dangers, and disgusting creatures...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2020
Like the company's other Mercenaries, the Storm Raven Archers are seasoned professionals, ready to support any cause against a busy purse. Accept their fee, pay them a little extra, and you can count on talented and well-equipped archers armed with formidable...
Languages : German, Spanish, French
Amount : from €33.25 to €34.95
Stannis and Renly, the Baratheon brothers, both claim the Iron Throne and make the War of Five Kings a personal affair. Among the Baratheons, the martial tradition advocates the wearing of heavy armour, even for supposedly mobile troops. They make up...
Languages : French
Amount : from €95.00 to €99.95
On the battlefield, everyone knows the cruelty of the infamous Black Guards of the House of Bolton. Their terrible spiked plagues can smash even the strongest shields. Both of these factors contribute to the aura of terror they spread around them. The...
Languages : German, Spanish, French
Amount : from €33.25 to €34.95
The neutral factions of the War of Five Kings are enriched with mercenaries, thieves, lords and even a banker. This disparate group, however, shares one thing in common: serving the most deserving faction. Lord Walder Frey is well known for his shifting...
Languages : German, Spanish, French
Amount : from €33.25 to €39.95
Despite its internal quarrels, questionable loyalty and high turnover of officers, the company of the Mercenaries Tornado Ravens employs competent, disciplined and loyal (if properly paid, of course) soldiers. That said, it remains a reliable and professional...
Languages : German, Spanish, French
Amount : from €33.25 to €34.95
Valerie Stone, a name you know well. She is a very talented negotiator with almost no equal. Almost. One negotiator has always outperformed her and been rewarded while she constantly played second fiddle: YOU. With this new expansion, the hostage taker...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2020
As the game master of a Pathfinder campaign, you are the architect of your players' adventures, a rewarding but sometimes demanding responsibility. This supplement is designed to make your job easier! Whether you want to design your own monsters and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €48.98 to €49.90
The slavers of the organisation known as the Scarlet Triad have already been defeated twice and now it is time for the heroes to confront them at their headquarters in the city of Katapesh. But the Triad still enjoys the support of the government there;...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.90 to €40.00
The city of Promise was founded to create a utopia, but the revelation of a sinister plan by the city's highest authority could spell disaster. Aware of this conspiracy, the players must navigate the political system of a city ruled by a dragon, while...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.90