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Two inspectors have to reconstruct 700 words of vocabulary from 96 letters and syllables. Play Battle, Rummy and Caterpillar to help them reconstruct the words. Sylladingo is a fun tool to enrich the vocabulary from CP to CM1. The game includes 2 different...
Languages : French
Release Date : May 2016
Bring back the balance in the forest! Time is broken and shattered. The seasons all exist at the same time, and day and night have no real cycle - they turn at the whim of the forest. This enchanted land has been thrown into chaos and it is up to you,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €20.00 to €34.65
The Forest of the Oniverse is in danger! The terrifying Ravage, accompanied by his fire elementals, wants to reduce it to a pile of ashes. The heroic task of stopping this merciless assault falls to you alone. Build the best Defender deck by carefully...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.92 to €22.50
The forest of Onivers is in danger! The terrifying Ravage, accompanied by his elementals of fire, wants to reduce it to a pile of ashes. It is up to you alone to carry out the heroic task of stopping this ruthless assault. Build the best Defender deck...
Languages : French
Amount : from €17.50 to €30.80
Ideal for CE1 and CE2, here are 5 different rules (Bataille, Rami, Mistigri, SpeedoSyno and DevineMoi) to learn 200 words. Each word, in addition to its definition, has its synonym and two opposites. For example: Friend → Ally, Enemy, Adversary. A playful...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.99 to €13.40
In one minute, find as many synonyms as possible for the word in question. But beware! The challenge cards can make you win points or lose those you've accumulated! Synonymo from Topi Games is a game that combines humour, general knowledge, speed and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €29.88
Find in one minute as many synonyms as possible for the word written on the card (on the same card, one word is suggested for adults and another for children, so you can play together)! This atmospheric game mixes vocabulary, humour, general knowledge...
Languages : French
Amount : from €16.90
Set in ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilisation, at a time when Ur's location was a coastal region, players work to build the great city of Ur, expand its neighbourhoods and establish themselves as powerful builders. Tabannusi: Builders of Ur...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.99 to €55.00
In turn, each player on a team will draw a card and try to guess a word, while avoiding stating a list of words (5 in total) called taboo. The player is watched by the opposing team and if he says one of the taboo words (or words of the same root) then...
Languages : French
Amount : from €18.99 to €34.00
The game of forbidden words with new challenges in the Asterix color! The winning team is the one that has won the most points at the end of the game by having its teammates find as many words as possible without saying the taboo words. Be careful, the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.00 to €36.10
Taboo Kids vs. Parents, a new version of the Taboo Classic board game that will delight the whole family! As in the Classic Taboo, try to make your team guess as many words as possible by giving them words that are not in the list of forbidden words...
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.22
After the success of Taboo, the game of forbidden words; here is Taboo'ge your body, the game where the body speaks... Finally a game to touch the friends of others! This time you will have to make the mime guess a situation. But there are several pitfalls...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.00 to €49.00