Be the first to solve the puzzle or in the case of the "All against one" variant, catch the player playing the fugitive. One player will take the role of the dealer and will sort the 21 Cluedo cards by type (suspects, vehicle, destinations). Then he shuffles them separately and draws one card of each type face down and places them next to the deck of cards, this group constitutes the solution to the puzzle. He shuffles the three packs together and distributes all the cards as fairly as possible. A destination token is taken face down by the players and the remaining cards are placed around the card rack, face up. He shuffles the action cards and gives one action card to each player and puts them face down in a pile that will constitute the deck. On his turn, the player draws an action card and adds it to his hand.
Then play one of his two "Action" cards whose effects can be as variable as: Make a suggestion from any destination. Making a suggestion from his current destination. Sneak peek (the player who has been chosen for this card must lay out his cards face down and the player who played the card will look at one of the cards). Super Detective (ask a global question to all players: "show me all the blue vehicles" for example). Private Information (this is a bit like the Super Detective card except that this time the information is asked of a specific person and the other players don't know what it is about.
If you wish, you can make an accusation at the end of your turn and if it is correct, you win the game. If not, you keep your cards and continue to respond to the players' suggestions, but you can no longer win.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 21 cards, 1 rule of the game.