Each player is a magician with a specific power who will try to produce the most beautiful tricks, those that will bring him the necessary prestige to win against his colleagues. To win, it will therefore be necessary to complete tricks represented by Objective cards. On these appear various components necessary for the smooth running of the number such as, for example, a rabbit and hat slamming. These components are divided into families which allows you to make a tour without having precisely the right accessory. The dove can completely replace the rabbit!
Magicians are represented by a card that gives them specific power and they have Action cards in addition to the components that will allow them to influence the course of the game. When a player has placed at least half of the necessary components behind the scenes, he can take one of the four numbers on the table. Once he has gathered everything he needs, he can "put it on display", a crucial moment for the future of the show since the opponents can then influence its success.
The game ends when a player reaches 12 prestige points, knowing that there are several ways to score bonus points.
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Contents of the box : 32 Objective cards, 64 Component cards, 26 Special Action cards, 10 Magician cards, 1 game rule.