A group of passionate players, a handful of cards, and here we go! Draw a few cards at random (three per player present to start). A player then grabs the buzzer and states a first theme. Each participant then has 5 seconds to find a sentence, a proper name or a word related to the proposed topic. The one who fails gets the card back. The game continues by changing the buzzer manager each turn, until the cards are exhausted. The player with the most cards will lose face... uh, the game!
So, what's the buzz?
Playground activity, lack of a player around this table, celebrity soon dead, cult film, singing too loud, celebrity you love without daring to admit it, epitaph for your ex, time spent in traffic jams, canteen meal, conversation subject between girlfriends, essential when travelling...
Discover hundreds of classic themes to play with your family or offset for an evening with friends and enjoy hours of laughter!
Contents of the box : 160 cards, A buzzer, A storage bag, 1 Rule of the game.