Citizens of Rome! Caesar asks for your devotion! 64 BC, Rome is in turmoil - it has been devastated by fire. Emperor Nero has returned from Antium to begin rebuilding the buildings razed by fire. Caesar expects nothing less than your complete devotion in his historic efforts to restore the Glory of Rome! In The Glory of Rome, you play as a young patrician who, by participating in the reconstruction of Rome following the fires of 64 BC, hopes to reap influence and wealth. The goal of the game is to get as many victory points as possible by constructing buildings for Nero and selling building materials.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 198 cards (144 Command cards, 6 Senator cards, 36 Site cards, 3 "Rome Demands..." cards, 9 Circus/Forum cards), 1 wooden Leader counter, 6 wooden Merchant Bonus markers, 5 Sphere of Influence trays, 1 rule book.