Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available

Download the rule for Android: Netrunner - L'Ombre de l'Humanité or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available.

Android: Netrunner Rulebook


Over the course of 18 hours, the runners hit Jinteki, Haas-Bioroid, and Weyland Consortium with DOS attacks, datatheft, and a truly vulgar piece of cyber-vandalism. These attacks cost each megacorp millions upon millions of credits. NBN put together a holo-report inside half an hour.

9.84 Mo - In English

Android: Netrunner Règle


En à peine 18 heures, des pirates frappèrent Jinteki, Haas-Bioroid et le Consortium Weyland à coups d’attaques DOS, de vol de données et d’autres actes de cyber-vandalisme particulièrement spectaculaires.

13.39 Mo - In French

Android: Netrunner FAQ


This document contains card clarification and errata, rule clarifications, timing structures, and frequently asked questions for Android: Netrunner. All official play and tournaments will use the most recent version of this document to supplement the most recent Android: Netrunner tournament rules and core rulebook.

3.18 Mo - In English

Android: Netrunner FAQ


Ce document contient des erratas et des clarifications des cartes, des clarifications des règles, des chronologies et une Foire Aux Questions pour Android : Netrunner.

2.62 Mo - In French