Captain Swallow has always dreamed of pocketing a large sum of money and retiring to a remote island - but he never counted on the tough competition from Captains Stanley Rackum, Dirk Chivers and others, greedy and cruel enemies who always manage to attack the same ships as him. If he wants to finally sink and enjoy peaceful days in the sun, he must become the most cunning pirate!
In Libertalia, you must foil the plans of competing pirates over three rounds using cards that show the same crew members as your fellow pirates. Yes, not only are they attacking the same ships, but they're using the same kind of scum as you! Will you be able to use your characters' powers at the right time? Will you be outmanoeuvred by a smarter pirate than you? Jump in and prove your tactical skills!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Libertalia or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 6 pirate dens (one per player), 6 score tokens (one per player), 180 character cards (30 per player), 1 score track, 50 loot pieces (4 chests, 6 jewels, 10 commodities, 6 Spanish officers, 6 swords, 8 treasure maps, 10 cursed relics), 10 doubles of value 10, 10 doubles of value 5, 40 doubles of value 1, 1 bag, 1 rule book.