Download the rule for Pick-a-Dog or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.
Games that have dogs (and pigs, too)! In Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog you must collect a maximum of pigs (or dogs depending on the game you play): place 32 cards face up on the table and one in front of each player. At the start, draw as many cards as you can simultaneously, following only one rule: the card must be the same or have only one difference with the previous card.
335.89 Ko - In Englishpdf
Mélangez les cartes et formez une pioche face cachée que vous posez sur la table. Chaque joueur pioche une carte sans la regarder et la pose devant lui face cachée. Il s’agit de sa Mascotte pour la manche en cours.
260.91 Ko - In French