Naval battles, cannon and grappling hooks? You bet! In reality everything was much more harmless! Respectable pirates preferred to fight card battles on the gaming tables of seedy taverns. Whoever managed not only to steal the majority of tricks from their opponents, but also to predict them as accurately as possible, would emerge victorious from the competition, which was played over 10 rounds.
In each round, the players must indicate the number of tricks they intend to make. After that, it's a matter of getting as close as possible to that result... Whoever fails to do so, because of making too many or too few tricks, loses both glory and prestige. Not making any predictions can be lucrative, but also very risky... While each player has only one card in the first round, an additional card is added in each subsequent round. In each round, the players try to accumulate as many points as possible. The player who has accumulated the most points after 10 rounds wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 66 cards, 1 block, 1 set of rules.