In Agent Hunter, you fight a rival spy agency. Your goal is to destroy the enemy's hideouts before yours fall.... However, the closer you get to your goal, the more likely you are to compromise the coverage of your own agents! Agent Hunter is a spy and deductive game where you must be careful and cunning to win.
You are each at the head of one of the two rival spy agencies: T.A.R.G.E.T and MEN IN MASK. Collect the 10 cards corresponding to your faction and place three of them hidden in front of you to make your hiding places appear.
In turn, you have the choice between 3 actions:
Attack your opponent with an agent from your hand: choose a card from your hand and attack one of the enemy hiding places. Your opponent must tell you if the value of the attacked card is higher or lower than the one you played. If they are of the same value, you successfully hunt down the opponent's hideout and the 2 cards are left face up (your opponent has only 2 more hideouts in play).
Attack from a safe house: choose one of your safe house cards and attack one of the enemy safe houses. The resolution is the same as if you were attacking with an agent in your hand, except that if you make a mistake, it is your hideout that is destroyed. If your attack is successful, replace your hideout with an agent in your hand.
Exchange 2 spies: reveal one of your Hidden Cards, then take it in hand and choose a new one. Then place a Luring token next to any of your stash houses.
The game ends as soon as a player loses his third stash. Each destroyed hideout and associated lure token earns one victory point. The player with the most victory points wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Agent Hunter or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 20 Spy cards, 2 Reference cards, 10 Decoy tokens, 1 rule book.