Tiny holes, tiny holes, tiny holes, everywhere tiny holes! The division of the booty, you know. The bank has jumped, you're gathered between robbers, the money in front of you, remains THE question: who will get what? Of course, we open fire, it's all out of order, nothing goes right anymore. That was before. With this extension, the division changes radically! Three new powers can make the difference: the Big Gun, for bigger holes, the Brute, to take it like no two, the Twin Guns, to rain twice as much lead (or not: one is loaded with blanks).
Add to this the combinations of the safe, finally unveiled and which allow the Godfather to shower (with money!) his right arm, 16 surprise cards, a fake Master's canvas, fake bills, fake diamonds, the Booze-filled Suitcase... And you'll have an idea of what shooting, betrayals and alliances really mean!
Good to know!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 6 Files Available6 Files Available
Contents of the box : 4 new pistols (one Colt, one Derringer and two Twin Guns), 16 new loot shares, 16 Surprise cards (disposable power).