L'Auberge Sanglante

L'Auberge Sanglante

2015 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 219 Notes
L'Auberge Sanglante

1-4 PlayersBest of 4 players

45 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for L'Auberge Sanglante or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

The Bloody Inn Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/46/f5/ef-the-bloody-inn-rulebook.pdf

France 1831: In a remote corner of Ardèche, the little village of Peyrebeille sees numerous travelers pass through… A family of greedy rural farmers is determined to make its fortune, and has devised a diabolical stratagem to achieve this goal: Invest in an inn so they can rob traveling guests, getting rich without arousing the suspicions of the police! Whether or not their plan will work out, one...

1.81 Mo - In English

L'Auberge Sanglante Règle

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/06/04/51-lauberge-sanglante-regle.pdf

1831, dans un coin reculé de l’Ardèche, le petit village de Peyrebeille voit le passage de nombreux voyageurs... Une famille de cupides paysans du cru est bien décidée à faire fortune et a mis au point un stratagème diabolique pour parvenir à ses fins : investir dans une auberge pour détrousser ses clients et s’enrichir sans éveiller les soupçons des forces de l’ordre !

5.78 Mo - In French