Legend has it that in the middle of the Caribbean lies a mysterious island that is said to hold countless riches, including the mythical Golden Pineapple... the dream of every treasure hunter. You and other adventurers have discovered the location of this fabulous island! As soon as you disembark, you realise that your quest will not be as easy as you thought: an army of fearsome penguin warriors has been living here for centuries, dedicated to protecting their treasures. They have set numerous traps and attack all intruders without warning! Flee from their assaults, confront the terrible guardians of the Golden Pineapple, steal anything that can be stolen along the way, avoid the traps and leave this island safe and sound!
As soon as you land on Penguin Island, you'll have to dodge the numerous traps and enemies, which are materialized by 5 targets previously placed a few meters around the game table. To survive, you'll have to rely on your reflexes and... your flaming pirate pistol! When the music starts, turn over a card in front of you and perform the corresponding actions:
Treasure Cards: Be the quickest to grab the Treasure! But be careful not to grab a treasure if a snake is hiding on the map or if the drawing doesn't match the noises (day or night) in the soundtrack. One mistake and you lose one of your 7 precious health points! Camp Maps: Be the fastest and you can steal 2 treasures from your opponents. But again, beware of the guards hidden in the thickets! Action Cards: Depending on the card you turn over, flee the horde of penguins, shoot the polar bear, cross an unstable bridge or meet the healing monkey! In any case, don't waste a second: if a "Pingo Pingo" shout sounds before you succeed, you fail and lose one health point.
At the end of the music, count your treasures (be careful: you can't carry more than 3 treasures for each hit point you have left!): the player who has collected the most wins the game!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Pirate Gun, 1 CD, 10 darts for the gun, 1 Space Penguin target, 1 Bear target, 2 Hanging Bridge bases, 1 Pirate Ship base, 35 Lifepoint cards, 82 Adventure cards, 1 rule book.